8- That time I first met you.

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Set before HTTYD 1, Hiccup and Astrid are around twelve. 


"Dad, do I really have to go and meet the new family? You're the chief, not me!" I grumbled as my father, Stoick the Vast, and I crossed the town square. 

"I've a feeling there's going to be a dragon attack tonight." Dad said, his eyes fixed on the looming clouds. 

"You're not even listening, great." I muttered with sarcasm. We continued walking for about another five minutes until we reached a new hut that the family obviously lives in. Dad knocked on the door which was really more of a thump because of his big hands. Almost immediately, the door swung open revealing a viking as equally large as my dad. By his side appeared his wife and then a girl about my age. She was...Stunning! Her blonde hair reached to her shoulders in two braids and she had a crookedly cut fringe. 

"Greetings! I am Stoick, chief of Berk!" My dad boomed happily. "Welcome!" 

"Thank you chief! My name is Asmund, this is my wife Eerika and my daughter, Astrid!" Asmund introduced, a wide grin spread over his weather beaten face. 

The girl, Astrid, placed her hand on her hip and glared at me with her crystal blue eyes. Everything about her was pretty!

"And what are you called?" Astrid pointed to me, a tinge of unfriendliness in her voice. 

"H-Hiccup.." I uttered. 

"Ha! Sure." She scoffed. "Out of the way Hiccup, I'm off to find some people who aren't a long lost relative of a twig." Roughly, Astrid pushed past me and began to saunter off towards Mead Hall. 


"Noo!" Astrid burst out as I recalled the time she and I first met seven years ago. Her hands flew to her face where they covered it in embarrassment. "I was so horrible to you!" She cried. I chuckled as she bowed her head. "I'm so sorry, babe."

"Don't worry milady, you were forgiven a long time ago.." I whispered as I pulled my girlfriend into my arms. She rested her head against my chest and wrapped her arms around my torso. 

"I will always regret it though." Astrid mumbled against my leather armor. 

"You have no need to. I will always love you no matter what."


Ugh, that was really short. 

PM if you have any ideas for a one shot, I'll make sure I give credit at the beginning also I have some ideas swirling around in my mind for a full length Hiccstrid story,  let me know if that is something you'd like to see!

-Lauren xxx

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