20- Together.

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-This was requested by ParisBridgewater! 'Astrid falls pregnant before the Hiccstrid marriage' I tweaked this slightly so it would fit the timeline I have going on but this is still very close to the request!-

It had only been a week since the battle with the great Bewilder Beast and Drago, needless to say, Berk was still feeling the after math. Astrid had been growing concerned for Hiccup, he was working so hard each day but the tables had turned, now Hiccup was increasingly worried about Astrid, over the last two days she'd been distancing herself from practically everyone, including Hiccup.

So one morning before heading to his chiefly duties, Hiccup and Toothless rushed over to Astrid's house before she left for her morning flight with Stormfly. As expected she was just mounting Stormfly as they arrived.

"Milady! Wait!" Hiccup called breathlessly, he broke into a jog to catch Astrid before she took off.

"Hiccup?! What are you doing here?" She exclaimed in surprise, usually her boyfriend wouldn't be up this early or if he was, it was for work.

"Astrid, we need to talk..." Hiccup breathed, holding onto the edge of Stormfly's saddle. Immediately, the blonde tensed knowing exactly what Hiccup was going to bring up. She nodded and slid off of Stormfly, Hiccup grasped hold of her hand and they began walking the direction of the cove.

The morning was a little chillier than usual, it was moving into spring now but snow was still present on the ground, Hiccup and Astrid's boots crunched through the hard snow, every now and then Hiccup would grasp a little lighter to Astrid's hand when he felt his metal peg leg slip. Eventually, the young couple settled by the thawing lake, their legs crossed and hands still twined together.

"W-what did you want to talk about then?" Astrid asked nervously, breaking the silence between them.

"Milady, I love you, very much so please don't brush off what I'm about to ask..." Hiccup mumbled, he grabbed hold of Astrid's other hand and pulled both up to his chest. His lush green eyes bored deep into her electrifying blue eyes.

"O-OK." She uttered in response.

"What's wrong, why are you distancing yourself from me? From everyone to be honest..." Hiccup croaked. Astrid remained still, her eyes not leaving Hiccup's. On the outside she was looking fairly calm but on the inside she was ready to explode, ready to release all of her pent up emotions.

"Hiccup, I really don't know how to tell you this..." Astrid whimpered. Hiccup's bushy eyebrows knitted together in concern, his heart was pounding in his chest. It was killing him, seeing Astrid so off, it was like she'd become a whole new person over the last couple of days.

"You can tell me anything Milady, absolutely anything." He encouraged softly. Astrid's head bowed, she didn't want Hiccup to notice the tears that brimmed her eyes, she didn't want him to see her like this. She felt so horrible for what she was about to say, she didn't want to ruin everything for her boyfriend.

"P-please don't get mad." She shuddered. Hiccup inhaled sharply, a million scenarios were crossing his mind at this point, he honestly had no idea as to what Astrid was about to drop, he just hoped to Odin, Thor and everything mighty that they could get through whatever it was. "I-I'm-" Astrid was cut off as a sob wracked her body, she ripped her hands away from Hiccup's and wrapped her arms around her body. "I'm so sorry, Hiccup." She wailed, letting the tear fall at a rapid pace. Hiccup was now kneeling before her, even more worried, he tried to lift her chin so he could look at her properly but she jerked away from his hand.

"Astrid, please you're scaring me!" Hiccup pleaded.

"I'm pregnant..." Astrid whispered, her voice barely audible to Hiccup. Instinctively, she pulled her knees up to her chin and burrowed her head between her knees. "I'm sorry, Hiccup!" She cried, her body viciously shaking from the crying. "I've messed everything up for you!"

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