17- Meeting the mother.

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(Before I start this part, I want you to watch the video above, it has nothing to do with Hiccstrid but it is HTTYD and boy did it make me cry! It is such an emotional video and so well made, enjoy!)

"Don't let the fact that she was a crazy, feral, vigilante dragon rider for twenty years put you off..." Hiccup warned with a smile as he and Astrid  strode hand in hand toward's mead hall. 

Yesterday had been the day the Bewilder beast nearly destroyed Berk, Toothless became the alpha, Hiccup became chief and Valka Haddock had returned home. That day would go down in history for many years to come. But in the present time, Astrid was properly going to meet Valka. 

"That doesn't put me off at all, I can't believe your mother is here!" Astrid exclaimed excitedly. 

"You and me both..." Hiccup muttered. As they walked their connected hands swung back and forth and they chatted to one another about anything and everything. 

Inside mead hall, Valka was sitting at the table that Stoick would have sat at, the closest to the fire pit and she sat on the side nearest to the mead barrels. Nervously, her foot tapped against the stone floor, being around all these people after twenty years alone with dragons was really taking its toll on her. Just then, Hiccup and Astrid swished into the hall, still hand in hand and smiling from ear to ear. Valka grinned slightly at the sight, it reminded her of Stoick and herself at that age. 

"Afternoon, mom!" Hiccup chirped as they got closer. Quickly, Valka jumped up from her seat and brushed a few stands of hair away from her face, she gave an apprehensive smile to her son before turning to Astrid to get a better look at the young woman. 

"So this is the divine beauty, Astrid Hofferson?" Valka wondered, she placed a finger to her chin in a thoughtful manner and nodded slowly. 

"Yup!" Hiccup started, he popped the 'p'. He placed a quick peck on Astrid's cheek, causing her to blush ferociously. 

"It's wonderful to meet you, Valka!" Astrid gushed, she held out a hand expecting Valka to shake it but instead the older woman just pulled her into a bone crushing hug. 

"No need for formalities dear, you're practically my future daughter-in-law!" Valka beamed. Hiccup tensed up at the mention of 'future daughter in law', it wasn't due to the fact that he felt like he was being rushed into marriage, in fact it was the complete opposite as he was already designing the engagement ring, 'future daughter-in-law' was what Stoick used to call Astrid...

"Oh phew!" Astrid sighed in relief, "I'm not really the formal type!" Astrid giggled. The three of them sat down for lunch and whilst Astrid was getting herself some water, Valka turned to her son and nudged his side. 

"She's beautiful!" Valka winked quickly just as Astrid was returning. Hiccup sighed lovingly, his forest green eyes followed his Valkyrie of a girlfriend. 

"I know, i'm the luckiest viking alive..." He responded with a soft smile. 

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