Chapter 3

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Morgan's pov

I unlock the door and walk in. 'Lucky' for me my mom is sitting on the couch watching 'Titanic'. She turns the tv off and turn's on the lights. "Mama I have somehing to tell you." I say as Niya closes the front door. "What is it?" My mama says looking unsure. "Uhhh, I'm pregnant! " I blurted out while looking at my feet. I could feel her eyes burning a hole in me. "God dammit Morgan!" She screamed. When she screamed I flinched, I thought she was gonna  throw something at me. "I...I... I'm sorry mama I didn't mean to.." "Shut the hell up and go to your room." "But mama.." "Now!" Aniyah and I walked up stairs to my room. I slammed the door when I got to my room. "See that's what I was saying! I knew she was gonna get mad. She got mad when Liane told her she was pregnant. "It's ok boo, she'll get over it soon. Come on, don't cry." She said as she hugged me to comfort me.

Liane was my older sister that my mom had at 14. If she was still alive she would be 22. My mama is 36. Liane got pregnant when she was 19 with a girl. She would have named the baby Emerald. But Liane and Emerald died during the birth. Emerald's dad didn't come around after both of them died. My mom seemed to be depressed after that. She mourned to me all the time. I had to be tough for her. But when she went to work I broke down every time. Liane and I were very close. She was my ride or die and now..... I'm lost without her.

Aniyah and I fell asleep in my bed. I wake up 3 in the morning then walk to the bathroom that's inside my room. When I cut on the lights it hurts my eyes a little. But I still use the rest room then get back in bed. When I come back Aniyah is laid all the way across my bed. So I scoot her over then go back to sleep.

Author's Note

Hey again chapter 3 hope you liked it.

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