Chapter 24

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"Why the hell does Hunter have to be the daddy. I can't even." I drive back to my house. Nobody know I'm pregnant but Aniyah,Tracey,Chris,Kamar, and Christyn. I go inside and sit on the couch then call Aniyah. "Hello." "Hey hun,you can come over now." "Okay I'm on my way" "K bye." After I hang up I order some pizza then go upstairs to go to Christyn room. As I'm walking down the hall I hear moaning. Then I put my ear to their door and the moaning stopped. "Oh shit,is that you Morgan." She says from inside her room." "I was just going to my room." I say trying not to laugh. "Okay then." I run to my room close the door then burst out laughing. "Lol what the fuck." I say sitting on my bed. I took my shoes off then laid down. I played my phone while waiting for the pizza man and Niya.

The doorbell rang and I went downstairs. I answered it and it was Aniyah. "Hey mo." "Hey, I heard Christyn and Chris doing the nasty." "Eww lol." She said as we sat down on the couch. Then Aniyah got up and walked into the kitchen and started digging in the fridge. "What the hell you doing this ain't yo house nigga." I said getting up going to the kitchen. "Girl leave me alone. I'm hungry man, shit." "Well I ordered pizza so he should be on his way." "Okay. So Mo mack pregnant when is your next appointment?" "One baby you are lame. And two I'm going in two more days since I'm going to that family reunion." "Oh okay. Girl you'll never believe what I'm about to tell you." "What?" "So Mikey switched college's last week and now he go to Mills College in Cali." "You know you lying. So now you saying I gotta go down there when Mikey is down there." "Yep and since I'm coming down there with you i guess we will end up seeing him." "Ughhhhhh."

(Ding dong) "Come on Niya that must be the pizza man." We went downstairs then I answered the door while Aniyah was walking into the kitchen. "Here go your pizza." The man said looking at Niya as she passed bye. "Okay thank you bye." I said closing the door. "Ooh girl." "I know right that's what I'm saying bout him with his fine ass." "Lol girl bye." We ate then went back up to my room. "Okay so your appointment is in two more days then (today is Friday) we are leaving in two more weeks?" "Yeah. Girl Hunter is the daddy." "Whatttt. Girl i don't know what to tell you. Did you tell him yet?" "No. I was planning on telling him after the appointment. But let's talk about that later and eat,I'm hungry." "Alright."

We went downstairs and ate. "Hey can you drive me to go get Reagan I really don't feel like it." "Awww,okay my little baby but if you wasn't pregnant you would be driving." "Girl shut up." I gave Aniyah the directions and we soon pulled up to Noah mama house. "Ima go get Rae for you." "Okay thanks Niya." I said as she got out the car.

Aniyah POV

(Knock Knock). The door flew open and a girl answered it. "What you want?" She asked looking me up and down. "Hold up first of all you ain't gon be talking to me like that. Second of all who are you. And third I'm here to pick up Reagan." "Thank you cuz that lil girl gets in the fucking way." "Hold the fuck up." I said as I started fighting her.

Morgan's POV

I turned my head and saw Niya and some girl fighting at the door so I hopped out. "Ayee get the fuck back from by her. Back up Aniyah." I said as they stopped and Noah and his mama walked up too. I pulled Aniyah away then I stood in front of Noah. "Who the hell is this?" I ask Noah pointing at the girl. Then Noah mama went back in. "Why. What ever this is Ka'mya my girlfriend. And what is going on. "Ok well one Niya and Ka'mya was fighting." I said doing qoutions with my fingers when I say Ka'mya. "And don't be having my child around no pussy popping hoe." "The fuck you said." Ka'mya said trying to hit me but Aniyah grabbed her arm." Don't play with Morgan." Aniyah said letting her go. "Well what ever, I do what I want and why you look pregnant?" Noah asked. "Cuz I am and if you keep bringing hoes around my child I promise." "No don't even think about it Ka'mya." Aniyah said standing in front of me. Then she told me what Ka'mya said about Rae.

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