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Two months have passed since the party and Reagan is 7 months. Also Liane's birthday passed but this year I got through it. If she was still alive she would be 23. Today me and Aniyah are going to go get tattoos and in dropping Reagan off at her grandma house. I haven't spoke to my mama yet but later I'm going to her house. I get up and go to Reagan room to get her dressed. I put her put in her pink and white sweater, her pink pants to match it,and her pink and brown boots. I took her downstairs and made her some warm milk. (Knock Knock). I open the door still holding Reagan.

"Hey she ready?"Noah said twisting his hair with the magic brush

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"Hey she ready?"Noah said twisting his hair with the magic brush. "Not yet come sit down while I get her stuff. Here finish feeding her this I'll be back." I said handing him Reagan. Then I went upstairs and got her diaper bag. When I came back down I saw Noah burping Reagan. "I think ima come pick her up at 5." "Alright then bye." "Bye Noah bye Reagan." I said as they walked out. I went to my room and got dressed. I put on some jeans shorts with a silky white shirt,my brown heels,and my purse. "Hello,Hey Niya. You wanna meet at the tattoo parlor?" "Yeah." "Okay ttyl."

I pulled up to the tattoo store and Aniyah was already there

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I pulled up to the tattoo store and Aniyah was already there. She got out and started walking when she saw me pull up. Then I got out and walked in. They had like five people in there and two were already in a chair and one was paying to go. Me and Aniyah go sign in then sit down. This store kinda is like Black Ink Crew. Aniyah got a seat before I did. She told them she wanted a tattoo that said TT and Rae on her thigh. After she was done she waited for me to get mine. As I said already I'm getting a tattoo with a baby hand inside of a heart then Reagan's name on top and her date of birth on bottom on my inner arm.

After we got our tattoos we went to the movies. We went and saw Meet The Blacks. It was funny and they did alot of cursing. After that we went to the hair store and got hair for the both of us. We got home then I changed my clothes. I put on a white shirt with some grey sweats. Me and Aniyah walked to my room. Then I cut on Walking Dead and started braiding her hair. I put Poetic Justice braids in her hair. Then she did my hair and put box braids in it. Christyn walked in my room twenty-five minutes later. "Hey Mo hey Christyn. We having pizza for dinner. Here when the pizza man come get the pizza and pay him." Christyn said handing me a 20. "Alright." "Thank you." Then she walked out.

The pizza man came and it was dark outside. I walked back in with the pizza and called every one downstairs. "Oh shit. I forgot to pick up Reagan." I said to Aniyah. "Wanna go with me to go pick up Reagan from Noah mama house." "Wait hold up you mess with Noah." "Oh girl I had forgot to tell you all about two moths ago. On the ride to Noah's mama house I told her about when I was at the mall with Noah. We pulled up and I got out. I knocked on the door and his mama answerd it. "Hey Morgan." "Hey Ms.Parker." I said hugging Noah mama. "I haven't seen you in so long. Come in." She said opening the door more. I walked in then sat on the couch. "Noah, Morgan is here." She screamed down the hall. "Alright mama." He yelled back.

"Yeah me and Noah broke up as you probably know. And I was pregnant with Regan when we broke up. And now she is now seven months." "Okay. Well see you later ,bye Morgan. Bye grandma baby."" She said as Noah handed me Reagan and her stuff. "Bye Noah bye Ms.Parker." "Bye." They both said as I walked out. I put Reagan in her carseat and put her stuff in the back with her. When we got back to the house she was sleep. "Girl I also forgot to go to my mama house. We can go tomorrow if you wanna come with me." "Yeah we can go." She said grabing Reagan bag and I grabbed Reagan.

We went inside and I layed Reagan down on the couch. Then me and Aniyah ate. Then we talked until 12. I walked up to Christyn room and the door was already open. "Hey Chrissy,can you watch Reagan while I bring Aniyah home?" "Yeah,come lay her in my bed." "Thanks I'll be back." I said walking out her room. I brought Aniyah home then got back in 20 minutes. I got back home then put the pizza in the refrigerator. Then I went upstairs to my room. I didn't really wanna text anybody so I went to sleep.

(10 on the morning)
I woke up to hear Reagan crying on the baby monitor. I walked to her room and picked her up. "Hey baby. Come on let's change your diaper." I said putting her on her changing table. After I changed her I put her in a pink onesie with some purple socks. I took her downstairs with me then fed her. I watched tv while I fed her. Then she was done so I burped her. She threw up on her burp cloth so I put it in the dirty clothes basket. We took pictures then I posted them on the gram. I put #mommydaughter. Then I checked all my other social media's.

After a while I got bored so I made breakfast. I made oatmeal and put some sugar in it and poured some oj. That was when Chris walked down the stairs in his work clothes. "Bye Chris." "Bye Morgan." Then I got up and went to my room. I texted Aniyah and asked her if she wanted to go to my mama house right now. She responded and said "Yeah I'm bout get ready ima come pick you up so text me when you ready. " "Okay." I texted back. I put on some Tru region jeans and a red polo with my white sandals. Then I texted Aniyah and told her I was ready. She said she'll be here in five.

She beeped the horn then I walked out with Reagan. When I got in the car I texted Christyn and told her I was going with Aniyah but I knew she was still sleep. We drove to my mama house and then got out. Niya got Rae's stuff out as I knocked on the door. Then I went to get Rae and Niya went to the door. Demarcus answerd it and let us in. We sat on the couch and then I gave Niya Reagan then went upstairs. I went into my mama room and told her we were here. She hugged me then walked downstairs with me. "Hey Aniyah." My mama said sitting next to her. "Hey Ms.Johnson." My mama grabbed Reagan then we all started talking.

"Mama I'm over you getting married to Demarcus." "Good cuz you gon be a brides maid so is Aniyah." "Okay." Me and Aniyah said at the same time. "Can she say anything yet." Demarcus said handing us something to drink. "Yeah she say mama and I guess she pick it up from me and she say shi. But I be knowing she trying to say shit." I say laughing. "No ma'am Morgan." My mama said but Demarcus and Aniyah just laughed. After a while me,Aniyah,and Reagan go back to my house. We go to the backyard and sit at a table on the patio. I have a baby gate like a play pin outside and I put covers in there for Reagan. "Guhh I wish Rae could walk by her self." I said putting her in the play pin"Mmm. That's what's my cousin said about La'shae before she could walk. Now she wish she couldn't walk or talk anymore.(Aniyah's cousins daughter). She said as we laughed.

At 3 Aniyah went back home and I put Reagan to sleep. I looked at my instagram and saw @Jyoman (aka Jermain instagram) had posted a picture with the girl that he cheated on me with. It said "I got a lil one coming to the world. With @KayKay". That girl name is Makayla. And the picture was her laying down and him kissing her stomach. I had forgot that I still follow that hoe so I unfollowed him on every thing. Then I started watching Taken.

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