Chapter 28

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Okay so in chapter 23 I said Reagan was nine months and Morgan four months pregnant. Well two months have passed since then and now Reagan is 11 months and morgan is 6 months pregnant. And I know their birthdays came back around fast.
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I'm six months pregnant and Reagan is 11 months. My baby is getting so big, sooner or later me and her are gonna be aging again.

Tonight me,Tracey,Aniyah,and Christyn are having a sleep over at my house. And Reagan is going over to Noah mama house for the day then staying with my mama when night comes.

"Hey,you already awoke. Ok so I'm about to go to work but here is some money to go the stuff." Christyn said handing me money.

"Alright,see you when get back." I layed back as she walked out.

Reagan was still sleep so I was relaxing at the moment. I pulled my phone out and texted Aniyah.

~Message Convo~

To Wifey😙🤓👭: Hey Ni,what are you going to bring?

From Wifey😙🤓👭: I'm getting the popcorn and the chips and dip. What you getting?

To Wifey😙🤓👭: Okay,and I'm getting the drinks,and gotta go pick up the pizza.

From Wifey😙🤓👭: Alright. So that mean Tracey or Christyn getting the spoons,forks,and plates?

To Wifey😙🤓👭: Tracey is, I don't know what Christyn getting. And bring ya own cover because I don't have extras,unless you want a sheet.

From Wifey😚🤓👭: Okay,lol I'm good. Alright girl ima talk to you later.

To Wifey😙🤓👭: Alright bye.

~End of Message ~

I get out of my bed and go to the kitchen. I make some cereal and take it back to my room. Reagan can now stand up on her own but every now and then she falls. But she hasn't really got the hang of walking on her own.

I sat on my bed and ate my cereal. I cut my tv on and put on Love and HipHop Atlanta. I watched it for 20 minutes then I heard Reagan crying my name. I got up and went to her room.

When I walked in she stopped crying and started smiling.

"Aww,what you need baby." I said picking her up out of the crib. Once I was holding her she started poking at my mouth.

"You hungry?" I asked her walking out of her room. She started dancing around in my arms and cheesing real hard. So I took that as a yes.

I went to the front and made her some oatmeal. I put her in her high chair and started making it.

"Girl,mama wish you could walk you too heavy for me to be holding." I laughed at her sitting in front of her.

She grabbed my face and kissed me on my lips.

"Mommy." She smiled.

"Mama love you." I started kissing all over her face. And she started laughing and trynna stop me from kissing her.

"Girl I don't have time for you." I laughed getting up to get her food. I took her food out of the microwave and sat back down.

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