Chapter 17

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I found out that tomorrow I get to leave. I woke up before Reagan did so I just played on my phone until she woke up. She woke up about 20 mins after I did. When she woke up she did this little cute noise and she scrunched her nose. I got up to nurse her for a while. When she was done i got back in the bed with her and played with her feet. Then my nurse walked in. "Goodmoring how are you feeling?" "I feel good." "When was the last time you fed her?" "Like 5 minutes before you came in." "Okay." She asked me a few more questions then gave me a menu to pick what I want for breakfast.

I ordered a omelet and orange juice. After I ate I put Reagan back to sleep because no one came yet. *5mins later* "Hey Mo." Jermain said walking in. "Hey babe. You are so late I just put Reagan to sleep." "Mmm well I'm just gonna stay until she wakes up." He said sitting on the rocking chair in my room. "Okay then but that might be a while she's a heavy sleeper."

Me and Jermain sat there for an hour then Aniyah texted me asking if she could visit. I told her Reagan was still sleep and she said it was fine she'll just come visit me. 5 minutes later she came. "Hey girl, Hey Jermain." "Hey." "Hey boo what's up." "Nun girl, just sitting around at home. Mikey is still over here. He's gonna be staying for a while." "Okay, but I'm bored too just sitting on this bed. You know how Reagan is still little so I can't really do anything with her." We all just talked for about 20 mins then Reagan woke up. "Hey baby." I said getting Reagan out of the bed. "Let me hold my niece." Aniyah said doing her fingers like she was squeezing something. "Here mama go to tt." I handed Reagan to Aniyah.

"Hey tt baby. You're so tiny. I can't wait till you get bigger ima spoil you." Then I laughed at Niya. "The hell you are, I'm not about to have a spoiled child. I be wanting to whoop women that be having them soiled children in stores. Damnn." Then we both laughed. Ima still spoil her on the low tho." "Whattt eva." The whole time while we were talking Jermain was watching a movie that was on the tv. "So you getting out tomorrow?" Aniyah said bouncing Reagan up and down. "Yeah we leaving tomorrow. Ima get the rest of my stuff I left at my mama house and bring it to Christyn house." I responded. "Girl, guess what we haven't did in a while." "What?" "We haven't partied in so freaking long." When I said that Aniyah looked at me crazy. "Umm ma'am, you were pregnant if I'm not mistaken." "Da fuck that mean, I'm just saying. We gon start partying again. Jermain gon babysit Reagan for me." I said smirking. When I said that me and Aniyah both look at Jermain.

He stopped looking at the movie. "What, why yall staring at me?" "Cuz I said you gonna babysit Reagan for me when me and Aniyah go partying." I said laughing. " Nahh I don't think so." Aniyah laughed but I made one of my eyebrows go up at him. "Okay then nigga, remember that." Then we all laughed. Reagan even laughed. "What you laughing for girl, you don't even know what we talking bout." Aniyah said raising Regan up. We just laughed at her. "Ooh, guh you stank. You need a diaper change. Here go back to mommy." Aniyah said handing her to me. "Come onn ma let's change ya. When I'm done changing her do you wanna hold her J?" "Yeah bae." After I changed her I gave her to Jermain.

Jermain played with her then he later left for work. "When do you want me to leave?" "I don't know you can leave whenever you want. But I'm about to feed Rae." "Lol Rae." "Yeahh, ima call her that sometimes." "Yeah it's cute, I'll call her that too then." I fed Reagan then she got sleepy. So Aniyah put her to bed. Me and Aniyah talked until 7. Then she had went to the cafeteria to get us some food. After we ate she left. Reagan was sleep so I decided to go to sleep.

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