Chapter 14

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"Momo don't you have an appointment today?" Aniyah asked getting out of my bed. "Yeah I  do." I said getting out of my bed too. Last night Aniyah spent a night at my house. "It's at 4 so we can get ready later. But I'm about to go downstairs and get some granola bars, you want one?" I ask her standing at my door. "Yeah." She said then she had cut on my tv. I went downstairs and saw a man and my mama sitting on the couch.

"Goodmoring mama. Who is this?" I asked looking crazy. "This is Demarcus. We go out." She said putting her hand on his shoulder. "Oh ok, nice to meet you." I said walking up to him holding my hand out. "You too." Hey said smiling then shuck my hand. He looked like he was thug or some shit. I get me and Aniyah's granola bar then go back upstairs. When I walk back to my room Aniyah is on the phone with Andrew again. "Ayee." I scream then she tells Andrew she'll call him back. "Shit, you a rude mother fucker." She says puting her phone on my night stand. "I know nigga here your bar." Then I toss it to her. After that I climb back in my bed and we watch Melissa and Joey until 3:30. "Get ready Aniyah so we can go." "Okay girl." I put on a t shirt dress with some knew high tan sandals. And like this chain wrapped around my thigh. Aniyah puts on Straight outta Compton shirt with her white jeans and some black and white roshe's.

After we eat we go to the hospital for my appointment. The girl from last time was there and we sat next to her. "Hey I'm sorry I had forgot to call you and you never told me your name." "Oh it's okay and it's Tracey." She said smiling at me. "That's a cute name. Mine's is Morgan but you probably  already heard the nurse say it." I say kinda laughing. "Yeah I did." She said laughing. "Morgan". "Lol ima call you after my appointment, bye Tracey." "Bye". Then me and Aniyah walked to the back with my nurse. This time my nurse asked if I've been having any pains. Or if I have seen any stretch marks. I told her I haven't experienced any pain but yeah I do have stretch marks, but they're little. After she leaves Dr.Wellen comes in and askes me questions kinda the same as the nurse's and some questions that are way important than hers. Then we do the ultrasound.  "There she is, your baby. Since your 7 months pregnant she could be here any minute. So be cautious." She says moving the tool around on my stomach. "Oh my gosh she got so big from last time I saw her. My little niece." Aniyah says then we all laugh. After that Dr.Wellen cleans the stuff off my stomach then Aniyah and I leave.

We go home and talk for a while. "Wanna go to the movies and see Fifty Shades of Black?" She askes turning the tv off. "Yeah, let me get my wallet and we can go." We walk out the door and go to AMC. After the movie I drop Aniyah off at home. Then I go home.

When I walk in my mama and Demarcus are watching tv. "Hey" Demarcus says as I walk in. "Hey Demarcus,Hey ma". I say while walking upstairs. I go upstairs take a shower and put on my night clothes. Then I go back downstairs and fix me some sandwiches and chips. Then I go back upstairs with them. After I get in my bed I text Jermain. "Hey". I texted him. He responds like 5 mins after. "Well it took you all day to text me." Hey sent with a 😎emoji. "Yeah I know ,today I had an appointment and Me and Aniyah went to the movies." I texted back. "What did yall go see?" "Well we went and saw Fifty Shades of Black. That movie was hella funny." "Lol". "Well good night babe." I text him. "Goodnight😘" he replies. Then I text Tracey. We talk for a while and I tell her goodnight then I turn my phone off. After that I put on Love and HipHop and finish eating my food. Then fall asleep.

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