Chapter 18

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I get dressed and wait for Rae to wake up so I can get her dressed. When I'm done packing up half of the stuff Reagan wakes up. I put her in a blue and black jordan outfit. Then I finish packing. While I'm packing Jermain walks in. "Hey baby. I came to help you pack and drive you home." "Thanks babe. Well could you make sure I don't have anything around here?" "Yeah." "Thanks."

After we were done we got the discharge papers and left. I sat in the back with Reagan and Jermain drove, obviously. When we got back to my house my mama was gone so Jermain helped me get all of my stuff out the house and put it in the car. I called Christyn to make sure I could come over now. She was still sleep but she said I can still go ahead and come. So we drove over there and he unloaded the stuff out the car. I walked into the house and sat Reagan's car seat next to the door. I bring her to her room and put her in her crib. I put her diaper bag in the closet. She has a grey and aqua diaper bag. I got her one carseat for when she's with my mama and one that matches her stroller for me to keep.

 I got her one carseat for when she's with my mama and one that matches her stroller for me to keep

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After we put everything up I check on Rae and she's sleeping. I go to the front to watch tv because Jermain left. A while after Jermain left Christyn came down the stairs holding a sleeping baby in her arms. "Girl I didn't really pay attention and realized you had the baby. When you called me I was half sleep." Christyn said coming to sit next to me. "Girlll I'm so sorry I had forgot to call you, but her name is Reagan." "That's cute. I just realized you two's birthday is in the same month. Anddd someone's birthday is coming up!" "I know I know. I can't wait. We are gonna turn up especially since I'm not pregnant anymore. Oh and yeah she has asthma." "Oh, does she already have a pump?" "Yeah they gave me her first one for free." "Aww that's nice. Well Chris is at work so do you wanna go get some food?" Yeah but I'm gonna have to wake up Reagan change her and, feed her unless you want me to feed her in your car." "I don't care what you do." "Okay well, do you see the jordan outfit I got her in?" "Girl yas, it's so cute." Christyn said giving me Reagan. "Well ima go put her in her room while I get dressed." "Okay." I put on a grey dress with some grey low top converse.

Christyn had on a grey sweater dress that had strings by her chest. And she had on black low top converse. We were trynna match. I fed Reagan when we got in the car. We went to Taco Bell. After we ate we walked around the park for a while with Reagan. As we walked I kept poking at her stomach and she would laugh a little. Then after that we went back to Christyn's house. When we got back home Chris was back from work.

"Hey yall want some grilled cheese and pepperoni sandwiches for dinner?" "Yeah sure." "Yeah." I said putting Reagan's carseat on the floor. "Well I'm about to go to Walmart to get the stuff, yall want something." "Yesss." I screamed. Aniyah and Chris made their eyes big when I said that. "What,I screamed because when I got pregnant I didn't wanna eat hot stuff and damage the baby. I went 9 months,9 MONTHS. I've been waiting to eat something hot. So I want some hot cheetos." "Oookayy." We all laughed after he said that. "Well just get me a Pepsi." "Alright yall I'll be back." "Girlll. You crazy." She laughed saying it. "You don't have to tell me something I already know." We both laughed. "Can I get Reagan ready to go to sleep?" "Yeah sure but she feisty,she hates being put in the tub especially her carseat." "Lol okay." Christyn took Reagan upstairs to bath her and get her night clothes on. I watched Black Ink Crew while I waited for Christyn.(3mins later) "Here, I didn't know if you wanted to put her to sleep." She said handing me Reagan. "Well I really didn't cuz I'm being lazy but I will." Then we both laughed. I rocked her to sleep while Aniyah scrolled through the channels.(4mins later) "Okay yall i..." "Shhh, I just got her to sleep." I said as he walked In the door. "Okay sorry. Here yall , I'm about to start cooking." He said as he handed us our stuff. "Hold on Chrissy(Christyn nick name) let me gon put her in her bed." "Okay."

I walked upstairs and layed Rae in her bed. Then I had walked back downstairs. Me and Christyn talked and ate our snacks until the food was ready. We all ate and then Chris went to sleep. Me and Christyn talked for a long time then we fell asleep on the couch.

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