Chapter 12

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I'm 5 months into my pregnancy. I feel like I'm about to explode. I have an appointment in 2 more weeks I can't wait to see how big my baby girl got. My baby shower is today. My mom, Aniyah, Christyn and I are setting up the venue. Andrew, Chris and Jermain are out getting the food and drinks. My baby shower is at a big park. We are having rotel dip and chips,weenies in BBQ sauce,soda, hamburgers,cake, fried chicken,and cookies because I was craving them.

My mom and Aniyah set up the games. Christyn did the decorations. After the guys got back they set up the food. And I just waited for the guest to come. They told me to sit down, I shouldn't be on my feet. We had loud music on. We were turning up. I don't know how my mom ended up geting tipsy. We didn't even have alcohol. At the end we opened a box that was on it's side and a baby doll with pink and white clothes crawled out and every body screamed. It was loud, but my family is naturally loud.

Then after everything every body went home. Christyn and Chris left, Aniyah left and so did Andrew. Me ,my mama, and Jermain went back home. Jermain's family came to the shower so after the shower they let him come home with me. When we got home my mom went straight to sleep. Jermain brought all of the gifts to my room. Then I gave Jermain some extra shirts that I keep for him and I put on some tights with a tee shirt. Then we layed down in my bed. I cut on my tv and full house is on. I lay my head on Jermaine's strong chest. He starts rubbing my back. I love Jermain so much. Then I fall asleep.

I wake up to someone kissing me on my neck. I get up and say " What you doing bae?" I say getting up. "Just waking you up sexy mama." Hey says biting his lip. "Oh really now, I'm sexy?" "Yeah girl you my sexy thing , you know that." I just laugh at him and start walking downstairs. "And don't look at my ass, cuz I know you wanna." I say while turning my hips even more. "Yeah ok those rules don't apply for me." Then he smacks my butt. We both laugh. My mama must be at work because I haven't heard her. "Cook us some breakfast cuz you know." Then I point at my belly. "Alright bae." "Thanks boo." "Welcome." Then he cooks just pancakes and bacon. After breakfast Jermain tells me to get ready. "Why we getting ready?" "I wanted to walk on the beach with you." Hey says trying not to smile. "Aww bae ,that's so sweet. I'm gonna put on a bathing suit." I say going upstairs. "Alright bae." Hey says following me. I put on a blue two piece bathing suit. The bottoms are high waisted. And I put on my black sandals with my mint blue cover up.

"Damn." Jermaine says putting his hand on his chin. "Even though you pregnant you look good as hell in that bathing suit." Hey says biting his lip. "I know papi, I try." I grin while saying that . "Oh don't go speaking Spanish on me now." Then we both laugh. We get in Jermaine's car and drive to the nearest beach. When we get there it's so beautiful. The wind is blowing, the palm trees are swaying, and the waves are coming light. Jermain gets out the car then helps me out. We start walking along the shore. The water feels good on my feet. Then a few hours later after a little while we just sit down. "Doesn't the sun set look beautiful?" I ask him looking at the sun set. "Yeah it is,just like my cute little girlfriend." Hey says rubbing my hand with his thumb. "Thanks bae, I love you." "I love you too." Hey says leaning in for a kiss. Then that kiss leads to kisses on my neck. I let out a soft moan. I pull back. "Bae that's my weak spot." I say looking at him. "I know." Hey says then goes back to kissing my neck. Then after a while we get up go back home. When we walk back in my mama is sleep on the couch like always. She must have just came from work.

Me and Jermain go upstairs and he orders a pizza. After the pizza comes we eat it and then he goes home. I clean up then take a shower. I text Jermain goodnight then tell Reagan goodnight and fall asleep with my hand on my stomach.

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