Chapter 26

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Morgan's outfit in the mm

I wake up at four and get out of my bed. I walk to Christyn room and wake her and Chris up. I walk back to my room half sleep and sit on my bed. I try keeping my eyes open. Then I get up and go to my bathroom and splash my face with some water. I do my hygiene while in the rest room then get dressed. Then I go to Reagan room and put her some clothes inside her diaper bag for when she wakes up. After that I call Aniyah. I called her five times and stopped. "Christyn I'm about to go pick up Niya and Rae is still sleep." "Alright bye." She said putting her tights on. When I pull up to her house it looks like no one is awoke. I knock and the door and wait. I wait their for about three minutes then some one comes open the door. "Oh hey Mo." Aniyah said sleepy. "Hey go get your stuff so we can go." I said walking inside. She went up to her room and we got her bags. We get her stuff and put it in my car she locks her front door and we leave.

We pull up to my house and we get out. As we are walking in Chris is taking him and Christyn stuff to his car. And I see Christyn standing next to Reagan's carseat while she sleep in it and her diaper bag next to it. "Thanks." I said grabbing her diaper bag and my suitcase. I bring it to my car while Aniyah and Christyn are still inside. After we are done putting everything in the car we pray then get in our cars. We drive to my mama house before we leave though. Aniyah and Reagan stay in my car and Christyn and Chris stay in their car while I go inside. My mama is getting a snack out the fridge while Demarcus is getting his keys and wallet. "Yall ready?" I ask looking at them. "Yeah we are." My mama says pulling Demarcus by his shoulder walking past me. She locks her door and they get in his car. Then we all head out.(One hour later)
We stop at Racetrack and everybody gets out. I get Rae's bag and her and go to the restroom. While Aniyah pumps gas in my car,Chris pumps it in his car,and Demarcus pump it in his car. After I'm done changing Reagan I walk and see everybody walking around looking for something to snack on.

Aniyah gets two bags of hot cheetos for me and her and I get a juice and gummies for Reagan. After everybody get their stuff we all go back to the road and this time Aniyah drive. When we make it to Oakland everyone stays at a hotel but me,Aniyah and, Reagan stay with Mikey at his penthouse. We pull up and it actually looks nice. Aniyah gets out and go unlock the door. After she unlocks it she comes back to the car and gets the bags while I get Reagan and her diaper bag. We walk in and most of eveything is white. We walk to the back and see one room with a queen size bed and crib. Then another one with just a queen size bed. Then we walk down to one more room and see a king size bed with a jacuzzi in the room. We assume it's for Mikey then go to our room.

I unpack all of me and Reagan stuff and put it up. Then Aniyah walks in my room.

"Girl he living big." I said puting Reagan on my bed and turning the tv on. "Shitt,ain't that right. Wanna go get some lunch?" "Yeah. Let's go get some Jack in the box. Then go to the store to get some food for Reagan." "Okay."

We left got the food went to the store and left. When we got back Mikey was sitting on the couch with one of his feet up and the other one on the floor. He got up and waked towards us. "Hey sis." He said hugging Aniyah. "Hey ma. What's up." He said hugging me then holding his stomach. "Ooh. It looks like someone is too happy to see me." He said laughing. "No it seems like your happy to see me. And I'm pregnant lil boy." When I said that I saw his eyes get a little big but he tried hiding them. "Yeah okayy so what." I said sitting Reagan on the couch." "Well who is this?" He said sitting next to Reagan. "That's my neice." Aniyah said laughing. "Is this the baby that you had at my daddy house and her mama?" "Yeah." "Oh. She's adorable,like you babe." He said cheesing. "Michael bye." I said. After that I fixed Reagan some food and ate mines. Then Mikey fed her. "What yall doing tonight?" Mikey asked looking at me. "Nothing. Why?" "Yall wanna go out some where?" "Yeah where though?" Aniyah asked sitting on the arm of the ckuch. "No drinks. But anywhere else in fine with me." "Okay preggo." Aniyah said making us laugh.

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