Pic-Movie day Chapter 9

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Three months later

"Only one more month until school is over." I cheer. "Girll, I know I can't wait. We are finally gonna be adults." Aniyah says smiling. We ride to Aniyah's house. Our song Every Diss comes on and me and Aniyah sing it together. "Every diss like another love letter. That chopper help a nigga thug better thug better. I'm strictly bout what ever cocaine seller."And we keep singing every song that comes on till we get to her house. When we walk in Mrs.Thomas and Mr.Thomas are cooking tacos for dinner. "Hey Morgan." Mrs. Thomas says waving as me and Aniyah go to her room. "Hey Mrs.Thomas and Mr.Thomas."

When we get to Aniyah's room we sit on her bed and talk. "Have your parents been saying anything about me getting so big?" I ask her. "Well no they haven't cuz I told them two months ago that you were pregnant. You remember when you came to my house to spin a night. Well when I went to go get us some chips I told them because they asked me if I noticed you looked different. That was when you were just getting bigger. So they already know, that's why they haven't said anything." I make a face at her like 'for real, ima kill you'. "Why you looking at me like that?" She says laughing. "Cuz ain't nobody tell yo ass to tell them." I say making my eyes get big. "Okay sorry then. But you are geting big. FINALLY." She screams. I jerk my head back. "Finally?" I don't wanna get big. Shit, what the hell wrong with you." I say making a face. "Lol" Aniyah says turning on her tv.

Aniyah talks about throwing me a baby shower and who we will invite. We have a long night and end up falling asleep with pens and notebooks in the bed. I notice her mom later comes in while I was half sleep. She turns off the tv, get everything out of the bed, and turns off the lights. Then in the middle of the night I get up to use the rest room. I here Aniyah's parents getting it on. It was so nasty with a capitol N. After that I get my stuff and tell Niya I'm leaving. She was half sleep so she probably doesn't even know that I'm leaving.

When I get home my mama is sleep on the couch. But of course she's sleeping cuz its 11 pm. I go upstairs and get right in my bed. I don't take my shoes off or nothing.

7 in the morning
Me and Aniyah drive to school together. "Girl last night I heard your parents doing it." I say doing my fingers in the motion. "Ewww, don't tell me that." She says making a disgusted face. I just laugh at her.

After a long drive of me telling Aniyah about what happened last night and where I went we pulled up to the school

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After a long drive of me telling Aniyah about what happened last night and where I went we pulled up to the school. Jermain see's me and Aniyah walking in the school. He comes over by us and kisses me. I introduce him to Aniyah. At the end of school Aniyah goes home and

Jermain and I go to his house because his parents are out for a week for vacation. We walk into his house. "Have you been gaining weight?" He askes raising one eye brow while putting his keys on a table.
"Yeah I actually wanted to talk to you about that. I never told you but I'm 3 months pregnant but it's not your baby. But it can't be anyways cuz we never had sex." "Uh..i...im shocked. Why didn't you been tell me this. Oh my gosh. I made you smoke at the party. Did it hurt the baby?" Hey says sounding worried. "No no , it didn't and I didn't tell you cuz I didn't want you to leave because I'm pregnant." "Well I wouldn't have left you. I really like you and something like that would not make me leave you. Just come to my room with me and we can just have a movie day. There is no need to stress, pregnant mama." I just laugh at him.

I text my mom and tell her Im staying with a friend for the night. She text's back and say "ok". So after that Jermain and I get alot of snacks and covers and cuddle up on his bed and watch Baby Boy, Friday, and Barbershop. Before we started the movie Jermain took his shirt off so the whole time during all the movies I was rubbing on his six pack. And every once in a while I would feel him rub on my butt or thigh. After a while I bury my face in his chest and fall asleep.

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