Pic-Outfit Chapter 16

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My mama wakes me up talking bout some I'm bout to go out with Demarcus. "Okay mama." I tell her going in my restroom. I get in the shower. When I get out I put on my grey nike joggers and my black nike
Jacket with my black roshe's. Then I put my hair in a bun. I go downstairs and fix me some fruit loops. I check my Facebook while I'm eating. Then my phone starts ringing from an unknown number. "Hello, Momo." "Niya, Hey what's up." "I'm so glad you answered they got me locked up for some days and they said I only have one call so I called you." "Wait why are you locked up." "Umm cuz I stabbed Andrew and Maiya." "What the hell Niya. Why did you stab them?" "Because I went to Andrew house and I walked in and him and Maiya was kissing. I have a key to his house that he gave me and his parents wasn't home. I heard him talking but no one came to the door. So I walked in and went to his room to find them kissing." She says starting to cry. "Aww, baby it's okay I'm gonna come bail you out. Fuck Andrew and Maiya with her slut ass. That bitch a prostitute." "Okay thank you." I hang up and go straight to my car.

"Damn. I didn't ask her what prison she's at." I say to my self. Then I try calling her back and a man answers. "Hello, I wanted to know what prison this is,my friend just called but I don't know the name. Okay thank you." Damn am I glad he told me. I go straight to the prison and go to the main desk. "Hi I'm here to pick up a friend." "What's her name?" "Aniyah Thomas." "Follow me." We walk to the cell." "Thomas, your going home." Then the lady unlocks the cell and let's Aniyah out. "Oh my gosh. Thank you Momo." Niya said squeezing me. "Okay oww, and your welcome." "Okay I'm sorry, girl you don't even know I was about to freak out in here." "Lol yeah I know you couldn't handle it." Then we laugh. We get her papers and leave. We stop by McDonald's and get some food then we go to her house. Aniyah's dad had a son with someone else a long time ago and he's over here. He is either 20 or 22 I don't really keep up with him, and his name is Michael but we call him Mikey. Also he loves me. Even when I come over and he's there or I go to their family reunions he's always all over me. We walk in and Michael is sitting on the couch. Mr and Mrs Thomas are in their room.

"Hey ba... woah when did you get pregnant?" Hey asked feeling on my stomach. "One, don't fucking touch my stomach. Two, I'm not your bae. And three it ain't none of yo business boy." "Yeah it is cuz you know you my baby andddd that is my baby too." "Bitch get the fuck, come on Momo,damn." She said pulling my arm. "Mikey still ain't got over you and now that you're older that ain't helping. But um after you have the baby me and you need to start going out the gym." "Yeah I know and sure we can." "Ahh,shit. Ohhhh." "Are you okay Momo,did you pee?" "Nooo,my water broke she's coming."

"Ohh shit ,um okay. Mikey!" She yelled trying to get me off her bed. "What!" "Help me get her down the stairs the baby is coming." "Okay,come on." They get me down the stairs slowly and carefully. "Ohhh, I feel her head. I can't, she needs to come right here right now." "Okay hold on. Mikey go get my mama hurry!" Mikey went off to go get Mrs.Thomas while Aniyah sat me on her couch. "Okay honey breath, breath out breath in. Come on let's get your pants off." Mrs.Thomas said pulling them off.

(2mins after) "Wahhh." "Oh my gosh she's so adorable." I say crying. "Okay hun we have to call the hospital." Mrs. Thomas said picking up Reagan from me. When we got to the hospital they put socks,wristbands,and blankets on her. They did her fingers and foot prints. I also found out she has asthma.

*Knock* Knock* " Come in." My mama and Demarcus walked in. " Hey baby. How are you doing?" "Tired." Then we all laughed. "So where's the baby?" "They are running test on her cuz you know she's premature." "So what did you decide to name her?" "Reagan Weezy Johnson." "That's cute, well you know when she's coming back." "Actually I do.." " Here you go Morgan." Then my nurse handed me Reagan. "Thank you." "Aww give me my grandchild. She is so precious." As she said that Demarcus walked up behind her and started playing with Reagan's stomach. Her eyes were barely open.

After a while my mama and Demarcus left so I can get some rest. And that was when Jermain walked in. "Hey babe. Aww is that Reagan. She's so adorable." Hey said smiling but Reagan was sleep in my arms. "Yeah, thanks. Wanna hold her?" I asked him sitting up. "Yeah sure." He said smiling. We talked in a low voice so we wouldn't wake her. "Look at her lil chubby legs." Jermaine said laughing low. After a while he put her back in her bed. "So when you getting out?" "Well I think in either two or three more days." "Okay, so after this you going to your cousin's house?" "Yeah." I said yawning. "Ima head out and let you get your rest I'll be here early in the morning tomorrow." "Okay bye." After he left I just fell asleep.

" After he left I just fell asleep

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