Pic-onesies Chapter 6

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I wake up in my bed. My head hurts like hell,I must have a hangover. "Shit." I mumbled notching that I'm late for school. The hell with it I'm not going to school today. I text Aniyah and ask what happened last night. She text's back a little while after. She said " I found you knocked out on the couch next to a boy. So Andrew and I took you to the car then I snuck you back into your house after we arrived. Your mom was sleep. Your welcome."

"Thx boo. " I replied. I walk downstairs and my mama is already making breakfast.

"Yo ass know you supposed to be at school,I outta slap you but I'll let you slide today because you look a damn mess. You want some pancakes,bacon,orange juice, and biscuits?" She asked smiling like she didn't just fuss at me. "Yeah thanks mama." She seems to be in a better mood.

My mama and I sit down to eat breakfast. "So..." I say with a full mouth. "Since I'm 18 will I be able to schedule my own appointments for the baby." I asked her. "Yeah I think you would be able to." She says before sipping her orange juice. "Look Momo, the other day I acted crazy about you being pregnant because you're too young and plus you know what happened to Liane. I love you and I don't wanna loose another child , let along another grandchild. And when I had Liane it was hard being 14 trying to raise a baby then you come to the world when I'm 18. It's hard to raise a baby no matter how old you are ,especially if you're single raising a baby." She says kinda tearing up. My told me when Liane was conceived her and my daddy thought they loved each other and thought they were grown not knowing better. "I ... um.. it's okay mama." I said trying not to look at her. "But you are leaving my house as soon as that baby is born. I don't have time to be woke up in the middle of the night because the baby is crying. We don't have room here. And more importantly I'm not gonna tolerate a dirty ass house because that baby playing or throwing it's food every where." In my head I felt lost. I thought I had someone to help me but I guess I don't.

After breakfast I head to my room to get dressed. I put on some jeans and a red tank top with black jordans. I have braids in my hair so I just put my hair in a pony tail. I get my keys and my wallet and tell my mama I'm leaving. As I start driving to the clinic I think about how Noah left me for a hoe. He had sex with me then when I told him I was pregnant he just said we are over. We were at a party and some stupid hoe was standing behind him and when I told him I was pregnant he just turned around and stuck his tounge in her mouth and squeezed her ass then they walked away. I'm so fucking pissed. He's a pussy. What man doesn't wanna take care of his own flesh and blood?

When I pull up to Clinic I sign up for an appointment with Dr.Wellen. She's a female doctor. My appointment is next Wednesday. After that I went to Babies R us. They had so many little cute onesies and toys. I was so excited I bought 5 onesies and a few toys. I bought stuff for both genders. The onesies were so adorable.

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After that I go home because I am sleepy

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After that I go home because I am sleepy. To say I'm not that big , I'm tired. So I just fall asleep on the couch with the lights off.

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