Pic-Morgan outfit Chapter 7

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It's been a few days and I just got out of school. I'm getting ready to go to the doctor with Aniyah . I put on mint green sun dress with my white sandals. Then take my hair out of the ponytail. I put on a little makeup. Then I call Aniyah to see if she's ready.

"Hello." She answers. "Hey Niya, you ready?" I ask her getting in my car. "Uhhh, yeah." "Well I'm bout to pull up." "Okay bye."

I pull up to Aniyah's house and beep the horn. Aniyah walks out the house a little while after that and gets in the passenger seat. "Hey girl." Aniyah says putting on her seat belt. "Hey"

" So who was that boy on the couch with you at the party?" She says biting her lip. "Why you biting yo lip at my man?" I say smirking. "Wait hold up, one, that mother is cute. Two YO MAN. Baby when did you get a man?" She says laughing. "Girl I'm playing we don't go out. I just think he cute. And don't say my nigga cute. Shit." We both laugh. We talk the whole ride to the doctor.

We pull up to the doctor and get out the car. "Aww my baby's first ultra sound!" Aniyah said as we walked into the doctor. "Just cuz you a few months older than me that don't mean nothing." We both laugh. When we walk in I see mama's in here with their babies,Teenmoms fusing with their mom's, and 1-3 year olds running around playing. I sign myself in while Aniyah gets a seat for me and her. When I sit down she's texting Andrew as always. "When she call me you coming back there with me." "Okay" She says while still texting."

15 minutes later

"Morgan" the nurse calls out. "Come on Aniyah." We both get up and follow the nurse to the back.

"Have you been drinking, smoking , or taking any unsubscribed pills?" The nurse asks with the pen and clipboard in her hand. Omg. I've been smoking and drinking. "Um, yeah I went to a party last week and I had Vodka and hookah" I say looking worried. "Ohh no no no honey, you can't do that to the baby. You could make it premature, put alcohol in its system and worst. Look honey just take care of yourself and you know don't do stuff you no you not supposed to." "Yes ma'am." I say trying to think positive thoughts. "So the doctor will be right in with you." "Okay thanks." I say smiling. "Really Momo , you know you can't do that. You gon mess up my Lil niece." She says. "How you know it's a girl?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Cuz im good like that." She said and we laugh. Dr.Wellen eventually walks in. "Hey Morgan. So to start off I'm gonna ask you a few questions then after that we're gonna do an ultrasound." "Okay". So she askes me some questions then we get to the ultrasound. She puts the gel on my belly. "Is the gel cold?" She asked me with a smirk. "Yeah." I chuckle.

"You see that? That's the baby's head and that's the body." "Aww" Aniyah says touching where her heart is. "I don't see nothing." I say sitting up a little. I'm serious." Aniyah and Dr.Wellen laugh. "Well as the baby grows you'll be able to see it. You're free to go now and you take care of your self." "Okay thank you by Dr.Wellen". "Bye". I dropped Niya off at home then went home.

I eat Roman noodles for dinner because my mama was at work. Then I fall asleep watching Final Destination 3.

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