Pic-Graduation Outfit Chapter 11

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Today is the day of Graduation. I am now 3 1/2 months. Every time I try on my graduation gown I see a bump poking out. I can't wait for my little baby to be here. Aniyah said for me to come over to her house so we can get ready together. I send Jermain heart emojis and say "Good Luck" he textes back and say "You too bae". I put on a tank top , some tights, my jordan slippers,and a bonnet. I tell my mama to be ready, and I'll be geting dressed at Aniyah's house. She said "Ok I'll see you there."

I leave the house and pull up to Aniyah's house 10 mins later. I walk in with my dress in my hand and my shoes. "Hey boo let's get ready." She says screaming a little. I do her make up and she does mine. Last week I took my braids out and got sew ins two days ago. But Aniyah got Braids. I put her hair in a bun and put jel on her edges. Then she fixes up my hair and puts it in a bob. Under our gowns Aniyah has on a two piece black dress. And I have on a tan color dress. I put on some black heels with a chain hanging from it . Then Aniyah puts on some heels with her toes out.

After an hour of getting ready we leave the house.

~After Graduation~

Me, Aniyah, Jermain, Andrew , and my mom go home. All of my family was there but every one went home. Christyn and Chris came home with us too. My mom bought hotwings, chips,cookies, nachos, and soda for the after party. Aniyah, Christyn, and I go to my room and talk bout the baby. Andrew, Jermain, and Chris go to the basement and shoot pool. My mama goes to her room and falls asleep. "I have an appointment tomorrow and im gonna go see what the gender is , so after that we can plan the baby shower." I say then they nod." Girl you are getting so big." Christyn says smiling at me. "I know right." Aniyah said laughing.

"Well now you girls know what it's like to be free. Can't nobody tell you nothing now." Christyn said as we laugh at her. Then Aniyah and Andrew go home at 10:30. Jermain comes up to my room after they left. And Chris and Christyn go to the guest room. "Hey baby." Hey says geting in the bed and lay next to me. "Hey boo. I have another appointment tomorrow. Wanna come." I say with my hand on my stomach. "Yeah bae, then after that we can go find you some more clothes. Because the more that baby grow, the thicker you get." Hey says chuckling. "I know I'm starting to realize it. And my mama told me if I keep having children I will get thicker." I say sitting up. I make Jermain sit up and I get behind him. Then he sits his head on my thigh and falls asleep. I play with his hair for a while then fall asleep.

I wake up to the smell of bacon. Jermaine is still sleep beside me. He is so adorable when he's sleeping. I get up. Last night I went to sleep in boy shorts and a half cut tank top with my belly out. I go wash my face then come out and put on some shorts. I wake him up for breakfast then he follows me to go wake up Christyn and Chris. Then when we get in there my mama has eggs,bacon,waffles,and milk on the table for every one. We eat and talk then me and Jermain get dressed for my appointment. We get there and I sign in. Then 5 mins later my same nurse calls us in. She does the usually and then Dr.Wellen comes in. We talk then she dose the ultrasound sound. I love seeing that body inside of me every time." Your having a girl!" Dr.Wellen tells me sounding excited. "Omg, I've always wanted a girl. I'm gonna be her role modle." Jermain smiled and I hugged him.

We then leave out and go to the mall. We go in Macy's and go to the maternity area. I find alot of cute clothes. There was a shirt that said heavy load coming through. Some pants that said my mama got back. And another shirt that said if you touch it it's yours. They were all so cute to me. So I got alot of shirts and pants. Then we left. I dropped Jermain off at home because we took my car then after that I went home. Christyn and Chris must had already left. My mama was playing sims on the computer so I went to my room and looked at the baby toys and clothes I bought some months ago. I went back downstairs because I had forgot to tell my mama the gender. "Ma I'm having a girl!" I jump a little when I tell her. "Congrats baby, she's gonna be my little tootta." My mama said as I walked back upstairs.

I go back upstairs and look at the toys and clothes again. Every time I look at those clothes and toys I get so excited . Sooner or later I'm gonna be a mama. There's gonna be this little person always calling my name. I look on google and look up names for girls. I keep looking through until I find the perfect name. Reagan. Reagan Wezzy Johnson. My mama had a friend Wezzy as her first name and she was so beautiful. Even though her name is spelled Reagan it's pronounced like Rae-gan. I put on my night clothes text Aniyah and Jermain good night then go to sleep.

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