Chapter 25

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~After work~

I get in my car then call my mama. "Hello." She said sounding like she was sleep. "Hey ma were you sleep?" "Uh me and Reagan fell asleep 39 minutes ago. Are you off of work yet?" "Oh I'm sorry for waking you up and yeah I am. I'm on my way please have her ready." "Allright." She said yawning then hanging up. I cranked up my car hooked up my phone to the radio and played my Playlist and Sorry not sorry was the first song that came on. I pulled up to my mama house 10 minutes later. I turned down my radio left the car on and walked into the house. My mama was sitting on the couch with Reagan who was sleep. "Here you go." My mama said handing Reagan to me. "Thank you mama goodnight." "Goodnight." She told me as I walked out the door. I hooked Reagan up and kept my radio down low. I walked in with Rae and brought her to her room. I put her to bed. Then I took a shower. I sat on my bed watching tv for a while in my towel in front of my fan. I played my phone and then put on my bra and underwear. Then I slipped on some shorts with a tank top.

I went downstairs and got a banana then went back upstairs. I ate it then fell asleep.


"Look daddy. This is Reagan and you have another grandchild on the way." "Let me see." Then that was when he grabbed for Reagan and I woke up crying. I miss my daddy so much words couldn't have explained. And I know he would have loved Reagan and her new sibling. I go downstairs and eat some ego waffles then sit down in the living room and watch Tiny House Hunter's. "Wahhh." I heard Reagan crying from her room. I went upstairs and went to her room. "Come here lil stinky girl." I said picking Reagan up from her bed and putting her on her changing table. I changed her then put her in some socks and went downstairs. I heated her up a bottle then went back up to my room. I fed her while I checked to see if I had unread messages. And Hunter texted me. It said "Hey I'm at the baby store I was gonna buy stuff for the baby. Is there anything else I need to do?" "No not right now really." "Well okay later." Then I sat Reagan in her play pin. Then Noah started calling me.

"Hello." "Hey Morgan can my mama come pick Reagan up later?" "No,not if Ka'mya over there." "She just left." "Okay what ever. Your mama can come at twelve." "Alright bye." Then I took Reagan upstairsto get her dressed. I put her in some jean shorts,party at my crib onesie,her red sandals and a wite bow. I grabbed her diaper bag and sat it at the front door. When I was done it was eleven. I sat Reagan on the floor in her room and started playing with her. "Rarrrr!" I said putting the toy lion in her face. *Baby giggles*. When she laughed she almost fell backwards. I played with her until the doorbell rang. I picked Reagan up and went downstairs. I opened the door and Mrs.Parker was standing there in a blouse with some jeans and heel boots. "Hey Ms.Parker." I said picking up Reagan bag. "Hey sweetheart how are you doing?" "I'm doing good. You?" "Good. Well what time do you want me to bring her back?" She said taking her stuff from me. "Anytime you want but if you being her back after eight could you make sure you give her a bath?" "Yeah I will,well see you later." She said now taking Reagan from me. "Okay bye."

After that I laid on the couch and fell asleep. (10 mins later). (Knock Knock). I wake up from the knock on the door and open it. "Heyyyyy." Aniyah said hugging me. "Hey girl." I said letting her in and closing the door. "Girl me and that pizza boy been hitting it off. We are supposed to be going on our first date in three days." "Ooh look at you niya." Then we laughed. "I wanna go out today." I told Niya putting my legs on her while sitting on the couch. "Me too, let's go to the mall." "Okay. We it seems your already dressed so come upstairs with me to get dressed." I said getting up. "Okay." We went up to my room and found me an outfit.

(Aniyah's outfit)

(Aniyah's outfit)

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