Chapter 32

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1 month later
November 5,2016

Hunter knocked on his mama's door. Remember that time I was in the hospital and he was on his phone,well he was texting his mama about me losing the baby and having twins.

His mama opened the door and hugged us.

"Hey Mrs.Jefferson." We pulled away from the hug.

"Hey baby,Hey Hunter." She walked in as we followed. She closed the door and we sat on the sofa.

"Where daddy at mama?' Hunter stood back up.

"He's in the room." She sat on the sofa too.

"Alright ima be back,mama please don't make her feel uncomfortable." He walked down the hall. I smiled at her.

"You are a gorgeous young lady."

"Thank you,so what did you wanna talk about?" I put my hands in my lap.

"So you were having Triplets at first but then lost one?"

I held back tears so I wouldn't make a scene. "Um." I blinked to roll the tears back. "Yeah I did,so now I'm just having twins."

"Aww I'm so sorry baby I didn't mean to make you cry." She wrapped her arms around my shoulders and held me tight.

Then Hunter came walking back into the living room. "What you did mama? We pulled away.

"She didn't do anything." I sniffed. "I just got emotional that's it." I smiled looking at him.

"Oh,just checking." He sat on the love seat across the room. "Have you thought of any names for the twins?"

"Yeah, you? I asked.

"Not really what are the ones you thought of?

"King and Khalani. Or Khalil and Khalani."

"I like King and Khalani." He smiled. "So I know you got, well you will have three kids and I know that's gon be hard. Do you want me to have the twins most of the time or what? He asked.

"Um,we'll just have to see. Because I did just realize that it's gonna be hard walking around all the time with two carseats and one that can walk on her own. But I'll just call you when I need help."

"Okay that's fine. So what else?

"Oh were not having a baby shower because we kinda thought of it too late. Unless you just wanna get some stuff for the twins it really doesn't matter." I said.

"Gotcha. Is there anything you wanted to ask mama?"

"Well Morgan I know it's gonna be hard so when ever you need help don't be scared to call me to help you. But besides that I heard everything I needed to." She smiled and stood up.

"Why you standing up mama you trynna kick us out?" Hunter laughed standing up.

"No I just thought yall were leaving since there's nothing else. You can stay if you want though."

"Thank you but we have a doctor's appointment to get to. Bye Mrs.Jefferson." I stood up and hugged her.

"Bye yall." We walked to the door and left. We drove to Women's Hospital and pulled up in 30 minutes.

Hunter got out and came around my side to help me out. It's really awkward getting help from him,it's really weird just sitting with him. But when you have twins with someone it's kinda hard to avoid them unless you cut them out of your life.

"Thank you." I said as he let my hand go closing the door behind me.

"Your welcome."


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