Pic-Ultrasound and breakfast Chapter 10

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I wake up and feel where Jermain was laying but he wasn't there. I get up and go to his restroom and hear him taking a shower.

"Goodmoring babe." I say yawning. "Goodmoring. You want some breakfast because I'm about to go to Hardee's?" Hey says still in the shower. "Yeah." I say before walking out the bathroom.

I get back in his bed and watch TV. I see a cracker on his light stand from last night so I eat it. Then I laugh at my self for being nasty. "Let's see, my appointment is at 1 today." I say to my self under my breath. Jermain then walks out the bathroom with only his underwear on. "Ooh sexy, is it getting hot in here or is that just you?" I say then he laughs. "Nahh it's me." Then we both laugh. "I have an appointment at 1 today wanna come with me?" I ask him still looking at my phone. "Sure." Today is saturday so I will be doing alot of stuff today.

After breakfast I get ready because Jermain had already got ready earlier. I put on some black tights and a white shirt that says "soon to be cool mama" with my black uggs. Today I put my hair in a bun. And by time I'm ready it's ready it's 12:30. Jermain and I leave the house and get to the hospital . I sign in and wait till I'm called. When we get called back there it's the same nurse from last time. She talks to me about my health and see if I've been doing better. Jermain goes to the rest room for a while. When he walked out the nurse asked if he was the baby daddy. I told her he was just my boyfriend and me and Noah don't stay in contact anymore. By time Jermain comes back in Dr.Wellen is already in here. Jermain walks back in with two drinks and just holds them.

Dr.Wellen talks to me for a while and dose the ultrasound. This time I can finally see the baby. I had to stop my self from crying in front of every body. When I saw that body I knew every thing was real. I will be a parent soon. I will be responsible for what ever happens to that baby. After the appointment Jermain takes me to the cafeteria in the hospital. We eat and talk. And he talks to me about the baby and stuff. Then he asked to feel my stomach. And when he did he said he felt it kick. Then he drops me off back at home. I walk in the house and go to my room. I lay on the bed with my hand on my stomach. Then I feel it. The baby kicked. I smiled then fell asleep.

My mama wakes me up a few hours later because she is about to go on a date. "Honey I'm leaving, lock the door." "Alright bye mama." I put some pizza rolls in the oven and waited for them to cook. I texted Aniyah about how I saw the baby and felt it today. Then when my pizza rolls are done i sit on the couch in some shorts and a tank top. I watch walking dead while eating my pizza rolls. Then Jermain calls me. We talk all night, but I hang up cuz he falls asleep on me on the phone. I'm so bored and I can't go to sleep cuz I went to sleep earlier and im not tired. So I just start doing my nails. I put the Polish up because I can feel my self getting sleepy after a while.

I just lay in the bed put on some rain noises then I fall asleep.

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