Chapter 23

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I found out last week that I'm 4 months pregnant,but I don't know who the father is. Tomorrow I'm going to go get a paternity test. It's probably Kamar,Hunter,or Miguel. And it also has been four moths since I saw them wich was the party. We are also having a family reunion in Oakland,California next week. And Reagan is 9 months.

I go to Reagan's room and go downstairs with her. I make her a bottle,make me some cereal,then go back to my room. I lay her down with the bottle in her mouth and look at all the messages I have. I have two unread. One from Aniyah and Tracey. The one from Tracey says "Hey girl haven't heard from you in a while. I also had twin girls four months ago. It's Mia and Tia. Maybe the kids can have a play date ,text me back when ever you can." I responded back and said "Hey Tracey I'm so sorry I've been busy. I had a girl her name is Reagan and she's nine months. And sure we could have a play date." Then I checked the message Aniyah sent me. It said "Hey boo. What you doing today. If you not busy let's hang out at your house." "Yeah we can after five cuz I got something to do." Nobody responded so I went downstairs with Reagan.

I sat her on the floor then went into the kitchen. I'm gonna be going back to work soon. And I have been taking online classes for college. I work at a beauty salon. I make me a hot pocket then get me some sprite. Then I eat while Rae crawls around on the floor. Today Reagan is going over to her grandma house. And Noah say he getting a house down here since he live in Florida. He posed to be getting a house than he gon have a room for Reagan. After I'm done eating I go back upstairs with Reagan. I put her in a white thug life onesie,her black tims,some white knee socks,and put a black bow in her hair. Then I put on a black parent advisory dress with my black jordans.

After I'm done getting dressed I brush my teeth and do my hair. Then I go to Christyn room. I knock on her door. "Chrissy, I'm about to take Rae to Noah mama house then I'm going out." I said walking in. She was watching tv and Chris must have been taking a shower cuz I heard the water running. "Ok Mo bye." Then I closed her door and left. I pulled up to his mama house ten minutes later. Noah must have heard me pull up cuz he came walking outside. I start to get Reagan's stuff and her out the back seat then Noah walks up behind me.

"Um back up." I said turning around. "Ookay." Noah said backing up.

"Here Noah. Tell your mama I said hey. Bye mama baby." I said handing him Reagan and her stuff. "Alright bye Morgan." He said making Reagan hand move in a waving way. I get back in the car and text Tracey. "Hey I just dropped Reagan off at her daddy house but I can still come over and they can hang out the day after tomorrow." "Okay sure. Here's my address. 14367Firewood Avenue." "Okay I'm on my way." Then I head to her house. I pull up to a house that's kinda bigger than Christyn's and Chris's. But Christyn is 21 and Tracey is about 25. I get out and knock on the door. Tracey's husband Tyler answers it. "Hi,I'm here for Tracey." "Tracey." He called for her. "Come in ima go get her." "Okay thank you." I go in and sit down on there brown leather couch.

Then Tracey walks down with the I'm assuming the twins. "Heyy Morgan girl it's been so long." "I know. Aww they are so cute." "Thank you this is Mia. And this is Tia. So what's been going on." "Oh okay. And nun really. I I don't know if you can tell but I'm pregnant again." "Oh that's good." "Look I got pregnant at a party. And um it was by three boys,and I was drunk. I don't know which one is the father but I'm going today." "Oh , you okay." "Yeah I'm fine. But ima need to find a house for my self when my next baby comes cuz I live tih my cousin right now." "Yeah,well don't worry you'll find somewhere to live." "I hope. So what's been up with you girl." "Nothing. Well like you know I had the twins four moths ago. I got married two months before they were born. And that's really about it." "Okay,okay. So how is it to have two of every thing?" "Well they don't really do nothing yet so I don't know. But I hate being woken up. Cuz like most of the time Mia always cries in the middle of the night then she wakes up Tia then they wake me and Tyler up. So it's not the best but yeah you know." I just laugh at her. We talk for about an hour then I go to Walmart.

I'm going to Walmart to get me something to eat before I go get that paternity test

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I'm going to Walmart to get me something to eat before I go get that paternity test. So I'm about to walk on the chip aisle and see a group for boys so I keep walking. But I was too late cuz one of them caught up and stopped me." Hey ma what's good." One said walking on the side of me. "Get the fuck out my face." And when I told him that the rest caught up and another boy came up and smacked my butt. "Ayee shorty you got back." "I know now boy bye." Then they all ended up walking on the side and in the back of me. One said "Hey want a boyfriend?" "No." Then I stopped and turned around to all of them and they stopped. "I have a baby and I'm pregnant okay. I bet yall don't want to fuck with me na do you?" Two boys walked off when I said that. "Damn girl what you been doing?" The one that smacked my butt said laughing. "Oh you wanna know what I'm about to do." I said picking up the wine bottle next to me. Then I tried throwing it at him but some body grabbed my wrist.

"Let go of me fuck face." I said turning around. And it was Kamar. "Yall get the fuck outta here." He said jumping at them. "What you want nigga." "Well I was just in here and I saw you trynna hit that boy with a glass bottle." "And your fucking point is?" "Well you shouldn't be doing that. Especially in a store." He said as some workers started walking our way. "Um ma'am you have to leave." She said grabbing my arm. "I don't give a fuck and stop fucking touching me. Everybody get the fuck back from me." I said screaming. Then I walked out and Kamar was following me. When we got out side Kamar tried stopping me. "What you want." I said snatching back. "Are you pregnant?" I looked at him side eyed. "Yes I am. And it's probably yours or Hunter's or Miguel's. Fuck." I said out loud. And a old lady that passed by made a face when I said that. "Bye old bitch." I said to the old lady. "Kamar leave me alone please." "Okay just call me later if it's mine or not. Here's my number." "What ever I will but I shouldn't cuz yall used me and I was drunk yall took advantage of that." "I'm sorry just call me later I gotta go." Then he went to his car.

So I just went to Albertsons and got some Pringles. After I left I went to the place to get the test done. I waited for my results for about 30 minutes. "Okay ma'am here are your results." A short skinny lady said handing me the papers. "Okay thanks have a nice day." "You too." Then I walked out and got in my car. I cranked up my car then opened the papers. "Oh my fucking gosh." I screamed and hit the dash board.

Author's Note

Hey I know yall like she pregnant again but I wanted to get yall on the edges of yall seat. I did 1407 words not including the author's Note. And you'll have to find out who's the father in the next chapter.✌💣💙

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