|2| The Fool Of a Jester

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Third Person Point Of View!

Legend goes that at the summit of Heaven's Arena, there is an undefeated champion that goes by Empress

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Legend goes that at the summit of Heaven's Arena, there is an undefeated champion that goes by Empress. Many floor masters have tried to challenge her throughout the years, only to fail; failure of course, meant death.

Hisoka laughed eerily to himself as he stood at the base of the arena. This legend sounded intriguing; intriguing enough that he was determined to see if it was actually true.

As he entered the building, a shadow of a girl brushed past him and slipped into line just before he did. Hisoka's lips raised in a smile. Things were getting interesting already.

He tapped on her shoulder.

"It's rude to barge in front of someone, you know."

She raised her head, and Hisoka saw something quiver in her violet eyes; it wasn't fear, but rather a primal rush was coursing her veins right then. Hisoka could feel it - the girl was practically vibrating as she shifted her weight back and forth between her feet.

"Are you not going to apologize?" Hisoka asked, and gave her a closed-eye grin.

The girl didn't respond. Her violet eyes had glazed over, as if she deemed this man, with his eccentric clothing and makeup, unworthy worthy of her time.

"I'm going to count to three..." Hisoka started, but then realized that he could just attack her now. He licked his lips, and did so; the girl's eyes blinked back to reality as the card Hisoka threw narrowly missed her eyes.

A trail of blood ran from the tip of her nose - and a light shower of porcelain dust landed on her white shirt. A mask? Hisoka was beyond intrigued now. He decided he wouldn't kill her just yet. Not until he properly assessed her skills.

She jumped away from him, and judged that Hisoka was no longer attacking. She slightly relaxed her guard and glared at him in a manner that made Hisoka's pulse quicken. It was the look of someone who was used to winning; it was his second favorite look - his favorite being their gazes of despair as he broke them and crushed their spirit. He chuckled as she was handed a number.

Oh yes, Hisoka would be watching her alright. She was more than just a potential ripe fruit; this girl was a fucking cornucopia. As if she sensed his intentions, the girl glanced back towards him, and as she did so, a strand of glistening white hair fell free from the blood-red cloak.

Then, she gave him a look that sent Hisoka into hysterics. The girl had looked at him like he was a poor soul who messed with the wrong person; as if he should be afraid. Hisoka was amused; who did she think she was? She dared to pity him? He was Hisoka - the big, bad wolf - and her? The girl with those violet eyes that resounded a feral instinct within Hisoka; she was nothing more than mere prey.


The girl glanced up from where she was fixing the laces on her boots - he was staring at her again. The man from before, whose place in line had been snatched by her. She bit back a smile; he doesn't fear her - not yet anyways.

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