|13| Price of a Life

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|First Person POV|

I showed up in front of Gon's room

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I showed up in front of Gon's room. Inside, I could hear Killua, Gon and Ki laughing and getting along amiably. I smiled, at least one of us was having fun. Meanwhile, someone stepped out from the other end of the corridor.

I stiffened momentarily, then forced a placid smile onto my face. Goddammit, it's that man again. Hisoka. Had he really taken a liking to me? Why in the world did he keep showing up?

It might have to do with the fact that he was creeping on Gon, and was not expecting me, that Hisoka did a slight double-take as well. But his shock didn't last long, and soon his neutral face of that fucked-up lewd smirk was back.

"Zel. Good to see you." He greeted me with great indifference.

Ya, good to see you, you bastard, not like you literally just tried to kill me or anything. I huffed mentally. I forced my mouth to open.

"What are you doing here?"

Hisoka laughed. "What, is there a rule against me being here? I choose to be here, that's all."

He suddenly holds out a silvery package.

"I originally planned on giving you the Empress's head as a gift... But it seems that I need to go through proper channels if I want to fight her at full strength. So, for now, this will suffice."

Seeing that I didn't make a move towards the package, Hisoka laughed and opened the lid. Inside, was a pair of stunning diamond studs. I'm talking about perhaps the shiniest pairs of diamonds you've ever set eyes on. Inside, I snickered loudly. Had he seriously taken my advice that girls like sparkles and shine?

Well, I'm not most girls, I'm the fucking Empress of Heaven! The amount of jewelry and expensive artifacts gifted to me numbered in the thousands. The relentless pursue of dukes and princes and even kings are all stored in my room right now. As if I'd even take notice of some earrings, even if they seem to be very expensive.

"What is that for?" I asked instead, trying to think of a way to refuse the gift - after all, based on what I know about Hisoka, he didn't seem to be the type to give gifts to others... There must be some ulterior reason.

Hisoka's eyes flashed. "It's your birthday, isn't it?"

I nodded slowly. "You don't have to get me a gift. I mean, it might look like something else."

Hisoka's mouth curled up into a stunning smile, but the temperature around us suddenly dropped a few dozen degrees.

"Then, if I say I'm using these earrings to pay for you to fight me with your full strength... would you agree?"

I laughed, not bothering to hide my distaste anymore as I threw my head back. I finally stopped laughing, and tilted my head to the side. Although this man said he wanted to fight me, I heard his implied meaning. After losing to Empress, he wanted to kill someone, and that someone would be me. The price of my life, was only worth a pair of diamonds to him? I narrowed my eyes, knowing that my life was perhaps one of the existences he even thought had a price.

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