|32| The Company Reacts (Finally)

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|The Zoldyck Estate|

Running up the mountain was a girl dressed in a pale violet dress. Her auburn hair was loose as she seemingly flew up; her speed made her a blur in the eyes of Mike and Canary, who barely registered that someone had passed them and entered the estate.

She arrived inside the main gathering room, where Silva was having a discussion with Kikyo regarding their son and heir - Killua.

"I still cannot believe that you allowed him to go off!" Kikyo steamed, her laser eye glowing angrily.

"Now, now dear. We both know that Killua will come back sooner or later, he can't last long in the real world."

"Exactly! Which is why we never should have let him out in the first place -" She paused mid sentence, turning around to give Mei a look of disapproval.

"You're back." She said, disdain in her voice.

"Well?" Silva nodded, granting Mei permission to speak.

"The mission was a failure, my lord. The Empress found out about me, and so I had to evacuate."

Kikyo frowned. "I quite liked that Zel girl. Are you sure that she was against you being there to monitor Killua?"

Mei scoffed, throwing Kikyo an annoyed glance. "She tried to kill me, my ~ Lady ~ what the hell do you think?"

Kikyo gasped. "How dare you speak to me in that tone! Silva! I've told you a long time ago to get rid of this wrench! Look, she's failed the mission, kill her!"

Silva sighed, and patted his wife's hand, as if comforting a child throwing a tantrum.

"Now, now. I'll speak to Mei. Why don't you go check on the garden?"

Kikyo was still fuming, but she left the room. Silva turned towards Mei.

"Tell me what happened. Don't leave out a single detail."

So Mei told him, in explicit detail, all about Zel and Hisoka. About Gon and Killua; and her hypothesis that Zel and Hisoka were working together.

"I see." Silva said after she completed her report. He frowned.

"It would not do to let this gold birdie out of her cage... I've grown rather attached to the jennies she's bringing in..."

He nodded, as if affirming something with himself.

"I'll order the Empress to end him; if she does not... then... Mei, you understand what to do."

Mei nodded. Her eyes agleam with malicious desires.

"Yes, my Lord. My Lord?"


"Have you possibly reconsidered about... him?"

Silva was silent for a moment, but finally he drew a shaky breath.

"I have decided... Killua will not be taking over the Company when he's older... It seems hard enough to get him to stay home. Rather... Illumi seems to be shaping up into a promising candidate, don't you think?"

Mei nodded. "Yes, my Lord. Shall I prepare the paperwork?"

Silva nodded, dismissing Mei.

"Then, as you wish, my Lord."

|Heaven's Arena|


Daylight floated through the half-drawn curtain of Hisoka's room, dust particles dancing suspended in mid-air.

There was a sense of calm and ethereal sereneness in the air that did not match the bloody clothes of the two lying in the large Queen sized bed.

Zel's blood red cloak, and Hisoka's discarded ripped top. The two were still sleeping, blissfully unaware of the schemings of the outside world. For that singular moment, cocooned by each other's warmth, they were immune to the cold savagery of humanity.

For that moment, they were free from their burdens. From their predesignated roles in life... From their inevitable deaths.

Zel's eyes fluttered softly as she woke up - a night without nightmares - and yawned. She blinked, noticing a weight on her shoulders. She turned slightly, and saw that Hisoka had - in the middle of the night - slung his arm over her body.

She tried as gently as she could to shift her body out from underneath him without waking him up, but Hisoka was too sensitive - too fearful. His eyes opened immediately, and as Zel stared into them, she noticed that they were the exact shade of gold.

Hisoka blinked, a small smile on his face. A smile that could even be described as... innocent?

And just for a singular moment, Zel allowed herself a smile that was free from all expectations as well.

But then her phone buzzed,and just like that, the perfect dream was shattered.

Their faces slammed shut like a veil had closed down over them, and Hisoka's smile became taunting and cruel - Zel's a devastating mockery.

"Last night..." Zel started, only to stop and collect her thoughts. Finally, she managed to emerge from the fluffy and bubbly feelings of the previous night. Cold, hard ice were wreathed in her eyes, and her sentences were colder than frostbite.

"It was a moment of weakness... Understand? Won't happen again."

"Weakness, Hmm~?" Hisoka asked. But it wasn't a hurtful voice or a questioning one. His voice was sharper than glass as he rose from bed in one fluid motion and grabbed a new set of clothes.

"Weakness." Zel confirmed, swift and simple. Leaving no room for her heart to muddle. Then, giving Hisoka one last scathing look, she scoffed and left the room.

Hisoka watched her go with unamused eyes, and the door closed.

In the hallways, Zel collapsed, tears in her eyes. They rolled down silently, but she shoved her arm across her face and forced herself to stand up again.

Hisoka's face faltered for a slight moment when the door slammed, but as soon as it did, his own floodgate of emotions closed as well. He breathed out heavily once, his breath staggering and rattled. Then, his eyes opened once more - taunting, cruel, and glittering with malice.

Only three more...


He dies.

She dies.


A/N: lmao, I honestly will have them end up together why you guys doubting me geessh.


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