|7| A Fool Like You

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|Third Person POV|

Hisoka was smiling pervertedly when Zel met him the next morning; they were in line for breakfast at a nearby restaurant, but neither was in the mood for food

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Hisoka was smiling pervertedly when Zel met him the next morning; they were in line for breakfast at a nearby restaurant, but neither was in the mood for food.

Zel flocked towards him hesitantly, hoisting her dish of scrambled eggs and toast.

"You seem like you're in a good mood." She commented, and sat down across from him.

Hisoka's eyes turned towards Zel, but they didn't see her. They were glazed over in lust - he could not get the image of Empress out of his mind. Her feral smile, the wickedness with which her blades gleamed, it was exhilarating. He smiled absentmindedly at the girl in front of him.

"I had fun last night."

"Mhmm?" Zel asked, masking the soreness she felt in her legs with a sound of delight. "Who's the unlucky girl?"

Hisoka's eyes misted over as his lips turned up in a smile. "She was beautiful... The way that the blood dripped over her hair." His teeth gleamed as he bit his lower lip.

Zel frowned. This guy was disgustingly perverted - and over the strangest things. Did he really find blood that attractive? She waved a hand in front of Hisoka's face, bringing him back to reality.

"Did you say something?" The fuchsia-haired man asked with a smile.

"Not really." Zel responded. She shoved her untouched toast into the middle of the table. "What are you doing today anyways?"

"I've got my eyes on some fruit." Hisoka said, his lips twitched with excitement. "I plan on watching their matches."

"Ah..?" Zel replied, confused. Hisoka smiled smugly at her, then left the table with a flourish of cards.

"Alright then..." She muttered, and threw the rest of the food away. Time for her to do a little investigation of her own. The footsteps she heard last night were light, so they must have been someone with really dainty feet.

She walked back into the arena, and glanced around the lobby. There wasn't really anyone suspicious looking, but rather, everyone looked like a suspect. She sighed - dead end then.

Zel was about to give up and just restock her pills when someone caught her eye. It was Killua - the younger brother of Illumi and heir to the Zoldyck business. Zel was curious as to what he was doing here - the last time they saw each other, they were both new to Heaven's Arena.

She remembered that he had made it to the 200th floor, but left soon after that. She of course, had continued despite a rather disappointing initiation into nen and defeated the current floor masters. Zel was curious - what was Killua doing back here? She took a few steps forward, and saw that he was with someone.

Another young boy - he had spiky black hair and was dressed in green. Zel's lips turned upwards in a smile; so he had made a friend then? That was nice to see. During Killua's time in Heaven's Arena, he barely spoke to anyone, and was entirely focused on fighting. It was a nice change to see him laughing.

Suddenly, he turned around and saw her. Zel froze - did he recognize her? She touched the mask on her face and swallowed nervously; it was secure and the nen was still working. Maybe there was something on her face?

Killua's eyes lit up as he dragged his friend over to Zel. Zel was frozen - what was she supposed to do? She wasn't sure if she could talk to Killua - wasn't he sort of her boss or something? Would he snitch on her and tell his father that she left her cage?

"Hey! Onee-chan!" Killua shouted as he bounced over. Zel flinched, and turned around shakily.

"Can I help you?"

"Yep! Do you know where Zee is?" Killua's face scrunched. "I meant Empress. Have you heard of her?"

Zel stiffened when she heard Killua's nickname for her. It happened merely because he was six and was finding it hard to pronounce [Zeh - elle] so he choose to go with Zee.

"Not really, sorry." Zel replied, then quickly tried to make a hasty getaway. Killua spoke, freezing her in place.


Instinctively, she turned around, and the grin on Killua's face widened.

"I knew it~ You look different, but your eyes are still the same as always." He dragged her by the sleeves over to Gon.

"Gon! This is who I had been telling you about! She's super strong! She can help you defeat Hisoka for sure!" Killua puffed up proudly, as if waiting for praise.

The boy named Gon curiously looked Zel over, then erupted into a huge grin.

"My name's Gon! Can you help me beat Hisoka up?"

At the mention of the man's name, Zel sensed someone shuffle; glancing out of the corner of her eye, she noticed that Hisoka had been watching them the entire time. She chuckled to herself - so these were the fruits he talked about then. Zel's smile grew - she knew that Killua was strong, and if he acknowledged Gon, he must be quite a character as well.

In order to be freed from her prison, Zel would have to keep Hisoka's attention on her - and only her. It was time to change her approach, if only to divert his attention from the boys slightly.

"I would love to, when you reach the 200th floor, come find me." She looked over at the TV screen, where it showed that she had another match lined up. She nodded briefly at Killua and waved good-bye to Gon.

On her way to the elevators, she passed by Hisoka and gave him a taste of her nen - subdued so that he wouldn't know who she was, but enough to pique his interest. She sensed him walking after her.

Feigning shock when he tapped her on the shoulder, Zel turned around with large eyes and an open mouth.

"What are you doing down here?" She asked, a smirk tugging at her lips.

"I could ask you the same thing~" Hisoka chimed as he fell into step with her.

"Well, I have a match lined up." She grinned, and gestured towards Gon and Killua. "Those the "fruits" you mentioned?"

Hisoka nodded, his eyes narrowing with suspicion.

"Well, would you rather fight them or the Empress?" Zel pressed - baiting him.

His lips twitched; was she mocking him?

"I see~" She grinned, and entered the elevator. "Good luck with that then! I'll be waiting on the 200th floor~"


New character - against whom Zel will use her nen! - in the next chapter~



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