|9| Dusk Til Dawn

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|Third Person POV|

The sun was a dusty red when Zel stepped out of Heaven's Arena

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The sun was a dusty red when Zel stepped out of Heaven's Arena. Dressed in her iconic red cloak with her stark white hair loose around her face, she leaned forwards to let the strands fall into her eyes. Was she really about to meet him again, after avoiding him for so long?

The one that broke her heart and sent her on a path of blood-shed and victory; the one that choose power over her. Zel was agitated. But then she thought of Ki, and how that bastard forced such a young girl to even try to compete against her; He knew that Zel hated it when he controlled people as if they were mere pawns - she always did. He was doing it on purpose then, he was taunting her.

In a flash, she was gone - disappearing into the shadows that the giant buildings cast in the late evening. The sun was nearly gone by the time she arrived - the intersection where they had first met. She - a fledgling fighter wanting to become a Hunter, and he - older, more experienced, looking for fresh meat to toy with.

Zel gritted her teeth as she came to a screeching halt; exhausted from running, she leaned forwards and put a hand on a nearby pole. He was already there, waiting. As always, he knew exactly what she would do.

The man stood in the shadows of the street; his figure was blurred through the sweat that dripped down Zel's eyes, but it was definitely him.

Zel quickly regained her composure and stood straight; she flicked her wrists and immediately her twin swords were out and at attention. She smiled crookedly and looked at him with bitter disdain.

"What the fucking hell are you doing back here, Lucilfer?"

Chrollo smiled, but there was no warmth in his gaze. His voice was icy as he said:

"Well, it's nice to see you too."

Zel held her ground. She refused to be intimidated; he was toying with her again. Did he seriously think that just by acting aloof and cold that she'd come running back to him? She bit her tongue and tasted the blood that left a bitter metallic aftertaste in her mouth.

"What. The. Fuck. Are. You. Doing. Back." She spat out, pronouncing each word with increasing venom. The words dripped out of her mouth like acid as she glared him down. He held her intense gaze with one of his own but was silent.

The air was abuzz with tension; Zel felt the desperate urge to either kiss him or kill him - maybe both.

"You know why I'm here." Chrollo finally said, breaking the tension. His eyes melted, his stare suddenly apologetic. His face morphed as his expression showed a hidden tenderness. "I'm your prince, remember? I'm here to save you."

"I don't need a prince." Zel huffed. "I never did." She leaned against the post. "Besides, you left me, remember?"

Chrollo sighed, and turned around. "Just remember - the princess always needs saving. You'll come back to me, one way or another."

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