|18| Dazzling Ball

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A/N: I'll make banners tmrw *^*

also since chapter 19 is pretty action packed, ima release it today too -w-

|Third Person POV|

On the arm of a fuchsia-haired man, the 'Empress' - known to a select few as Zel Heika - made her way into the biggest event of the year at Heaven's Arena. The annual Masquerade Ball.

Obviously, it was just an excuse for powerful business men to meet and form alliances with the more underground operations without the government finding out, as well as a way for groups and sects to show off their power and wealth.

Then, there was the secret event at the end of the night. It was said that as long as the companies could raise enough money, a select few would - at the stroke of midnight - be chosen to look upon the visage of the Empress.

Of course, the required sum that the company selects each year was so absurdly high that no one - although they could - wanted to throw their money away. After all, unless they were extremely arrogant and lustful young business tycoons, none of them had the power nor the desire to simply look at a woman.

They were all important figures and such, they had no need to spend their life's fortune on the slim chance of one woman - even if she was the Empress of Heaven's Arena. Even so, every year there was always a group of youths that wanted a glance at the supposed heaven-blinding beauty that the company made Zel out to be.

From the description a few chapters earlier, we all know Zel was anything but. Her looks could be described as pretty, but even with make-up it teetered on the edge of pretty. It certainly wasn't stunning or jaw-dropping, or else she never would've stepped on the path of nen training. Well, maybe she would've, but who knows, the world is mysterious.

Back to the ball. As Hisoka and Zel entered the room, no one paid them any attention. That was because the people there didn't give a shit that Hisoka's nen was strong, because he simply wasn't important or rich enough for them to be bothered. As for Zel... well, a nice body on a woman was every single woman in the room tonight. She might have a pair of diamond studs on - an emotional dig at Hisoka that has yet to prove effective - but any other woman in that room was fully decked out in eccentric and expensive jewels.

In other words, she was just a small fish in a large, large sea. And it was true, without her status and power as "Empress", Zel really wasn't much. Yet, Hisoka had taken an interest in her , and so had the man walking towards them with his entourage following - Chrollo.

"Hisoka." Chrollo greeted his fellow member of the Phantom Troupe. Chrollo caught Zel's eye, and her gaze was unflinching as it was smug. He hesitated, then said: "And this is...?"

We're doing it this way? Huh? Well two can play at this. Zel thought bitterly as she reached a hand towards her face, she giggled amicably. "My name is Zel Heika, pleased to meet you."

Chrollo gave a slight bow, and then took Zel's hand and gently kissed it. The brief brush of his lips on her hand sent electricity coursing through her veins as she resisted the urge to either kill him or puke.

"Alright, alright." Hisoka suddenly stepped up. "Zel is with me tonight, let's not get too friendly."

Chrollo stepped back, as if surrendering. "Is she your girlfriend? Hisoka! You didn't tell us!"

The rest of the troupe was watching this exchange with amused but confused expressions.

"She's not..." Hisoka admitted, but held on tighter to Zel. "But, that's none of your business, Chrollo."

Chrollo laughed, and the hairs on the back of Zel's neck stood up. What the hell was Chrollo planning to do?

The black-haired man smiled-oh-so-sweetly and faced Zel (completely ignoring Hisoka). "Miss Heika, if you'd please, I'd be honored if you danced with me."

Zel's ears were ringing, and tears threatened to spill down her face. She swallowed back her grief and anger, and tried to convince herself that she could bare him for a dance.

Hisoka spoke up. "Really, Chrollo? Are you tired of living? You want to steal my toy?"

Zel was about to speak up and mention that she wasn't a toy, but Hisoka suddenly turned around and squeezed her chin - Zel could feel his sharp nails drawing blood on the sides of her face. He tilted her face up to face him and then pressed his lips down deeply for a searing kiss. Then, she flinched as she felt sharp incisors on her bottom lips and quickly stumbled back.

She had been caught off-guard, and so that had happened. Zel cursed herself for thinking that she would be able to control the situation. She should never have agreed to go with Hisoka. The situation was just getting worse and worse.

Blood dripped in a fine line down Zel's face, but Hisoka paid her no mind. Instead, he looked at Chrollo and licked the droplets that were on his lips.

"Mine." He said slowly, menacingly. Hisoka had a feeling that this Zel and Chrollo had met before, and that she meant something to him. So, with this... Hisoka's lips stretched out in a perverted smile. Chrollo will surely fight him for this, right?

A battle with Chrollo... Just thinking about it was enough to get Hisoka excited. And sure enough, a look of disdain flooded Chrollo's face. Meanwhile, Zel was getting more and more confused about everything.

Suddenly, feedback sounded in the room, and the two men broke their eye contact.


"Sorry everyone~" A jubilant voice called out. It was the red lady from the previous event. "Welcome to the annual Masquerade Ball~! I'd like to ask that guests please keep their masks on from now on, as we are officially underway."

A brief shuffling among the crowd, and the red lady went on. "As you all know, we usually have a charity donation goal, and if the goal is met, Empress herself will come out. However, this year, we'll be doing something quite different."

The audience hushed, eager to hear more.

"At the end of the night, we will be hosting an auction. The privilege of a date - yes, you heard that right. A date with the Empress will go to the highest bidder!"

Zel's blood ran cold. The fuck was Silva doing? She was already being sold out as a mercenary-slash-performer-of-blades - that at least she could deal with. But this? How was this auction any different from what they did in the brothels?

Enraged, but unable to do anything about it, Zel could only hope that one of those filthy rich second-generations would go for it. She'd kill him after, to rid herself of the shame.

She refused to fall. She was the Empress of Heaven dammit! The brightest star of them all. Yet, as Zel clung onto Hisoka all the more tightly, a horrible premonition was felt.

After all, even the brightest stars will fall, and the higher one climbs, the faster they fall - and Zel, well, she was at the peak of it all.

So she pulled Hisoka away from Chrollo, and danced the night away with him. Hisoka didn't mind, and sent taunting sneers to Chrollo every once in a while. Yet, what Hisoka didn't know was - once the clock strikes midnight, his beautiful illusion of a perfect fruit would shatter, and he'd have to face the terrifying truth.

Could he truly come to kill, someone whose life has come to hold a value to him?

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