|12| Good Intentions

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They say the road to hell is paved with Good Intentions...

|First Person POV|

After dropping Ki off with a brief introduction to Gon and Killua, I scurried off to return to my room before Illumi could discover that I went off the premises again

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After dropping Ki off with a brief introduction to Gon and Killua, I scurried off to return to my room before Illumi could discover that I went off the premises again. I arrived in the nick of time, I sensed him rounding the hall, and I quickly slipped the nen mask onto my face.

"There's someone who wishes to challenge you." Illumi announced solemnly as he stepped through the door.

"Oh?" I raised an eyebrow. "Did they pass the trials and all? I don't recall hearing about any one super powerful lately."

Illumi sighed, and handed me my cloak. "I know him, so I pulled a few strings and got him a match with you. Now, are you coming or not?"

"Alright, alright." I mused with a small smile. I was curious as to just who could make Illumi go out of his way and interact with me more.


The pit was empty and eerily silent save for the occasional drip-drop of water droplets, and I was glad to see that the bloody massacre I left the other night had been cleaned up. Suddenly, the metal chains started to roll, and the gate to the south opened. A man walked through.

"Hisoka." Illumi greeted him.

I was very much amused, and a little suspicious. I hadn't thought that Hisoka would challenge me just yet - wasn't he looking forward to his fruits ripening? What was he doing here?

Hisoka gave me a cold smile, and shifted his weight to his right side. "I have an ongoing bet with someone, about who can defeat you first. It's her birthday today..." He paused, and blood lust filled the cavern. "I have a feeling that your head would make a wonderful birthday present."

At this point, I was not sure whether to laugh or to cry. On the outside, I managed to keep a straight face, and gave a low chuckle.

"Our head? You want our head?" I laughed, and patted my skull a few times in contempt. I held out a hand, and shifted into a defensive stance. "We'll see if you have the skill to obtain it then, come, Hisoka!" Using the royal we, it was clear that Hisoka had not just been after my life to present to the one he acknowledges as Zel, but also my throne, my position of Empress!

The power and respect that came with being the Grandmaster of Heaven's Arena wasn't light. Wherever I went inside the tower, I was revered and worshiped. Before I banned them, students gathered outside the arena, begging for my tutelage. Men threw themselves at my feet, hoping to get a glance, a peek, a mere look upon my visage. Hoping that I'd take an interest in them, and raise them to a position of high social standing.

Little did they know that my power was just for show, that I was but a mere skeleton of an Empress. I narrowed my eyes, and concentrated nen into my eyes. Even so, I was a skeleton with far too much honor and pride to let the show be passed on to someone as horrid as Hisoka. He might be powerful, and he might be ruthless, he might be the incarnation of death, but what of it?

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