|14| An Empress's Might

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eyy new character again. sorry for the array of OCs I don't sit well with a single OC insert. I prefer to insert canon characters into a world that's more of my making than the anime. (since you know, nothing from the anime is referenced yet)

|Third Person POV|

Night - Heaven's Arena

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Night - Heaven's Arena.

The matches have all concluded for the time being, and various employees scuttled around the building, doing their part in keeping the Arena clean and tidy.

You'd be surprised as to how icky and smelly blood and guts can get.

Down a particular staircase, a woman dressed in a blood-red cloak descended. Unconsciously, every single person scurried around and away from her. Giving the violet-eyed woman - Zel - a clear breadth.

Out of fear, or respect - Zel could truly care less. As long as they complied with her wishes and did not question her, she didn't feel the need to mindlessly start a bloodbath either. After all, that was something Hisoka would likely do.

Zel wanted as little to do with that man as possible, but try as she might, she couldn't deny it - she needed his help. Although Zel was very much capable of going on a rampage and demolishing Heaven's Arena, she also wasn't very keen to the idea of living under-cover for the rest of her life. Even more, she wasn't very confident in her ability to hide from the Zoldycks.

Hisoka is the critical key - only by being defeated fair and square by another during the rounds of Battle Olympia, or being bested in a one on one match by an opponent who defeats five floor-masters in a row would the shackles of Empress be broken; would Zel be allowed to go free.

But it was a known fact that anyone capable of becoming a floor-master was a monster in their own right. Whether it was through brute strength, incredible luck, devastating speed or pure power, the floor masters could all be called gods.

Yet, those gods compared to Zel were all but puny ants. That's because several years ago, she had challenged them all. She had done the unthinkable - from the first floor-master to the final then-grand master, she had challenged them all, and won.

But the victories came at a heavy cost - first there was the matter of being exiled from the rest of the world, then there was the sickness. A lethal exchange of blows between Zel and the last grandmaster resulted in a chronic illness that even the most talented doctors could not cure.

It was only thanks to the pills and Zel's own power than she was able to keep her life - if barely. It was also the main reason that Zel needed to hide her identity and wear the nen-masks. After all, once she releases beyond 80% of her power, the illness will once again attack at full power. It was a curious illness, it didn't attack anything vital. Instead, it chased after one's nen. It might not be deadly to civilians, but after a certain level of training, Zel's life force was very closely linked to her nen. To have her power devoured would mean her certain death.

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