|37| Crystals of Life + RESULTS

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|Third Person POV|

He twirled the crystals that he obtained from the last two floor masters in his hands, enjoying the cooling sensation as the nen spread across his long fingers. He never expected to find such a prize in the corpses of those two, but here they were.

He finally cracked the code, why the Empress was in need of all those pills and medication.

There was a knock on his door, and the man stood up. He crossed the room in a few quick strides, and opened the door with a smirk.

In front of him stood Chidoku, with a most unpleased expression on his face.

"I knew it. It was you."

Hisoka laughed. "You don't seem pleased."

Chidoku caught sight of the two crystals, and his jaw clenched.

"Whatever you're planning... I will stop you, rest assured, Hisoka."

"Hmm~? Even if I was planning to save your precious Empress?"

Chidoku laughed, a bitter and harsh sound. "You would never. You're far too vile. Hand the crystals over, Hisoka. I'm sure you've already figured out what they truly are."

Hisoka was amused as he held the crystals out of reach.

"It did surprise me, that there was someone who could manipulate life essence like so. To store away her very life in crystals, and keep her in that weakened state. Very impressive, Chidoku."

Chidoku's eyes narrowed.

"I didn't have a choice. Zel was far too strong for me to take on then, and I didn't want to kill her."

Hisoka laughed mockingly. "You mean, you didn't want to die. You know, Chidoku. For someone who claims to love her, you've hurt her quite a bit."

"Give me the crystals. Now." Chidoku said, his voice rising with anger. How dare this clown mock him. He was only doing the best he could, and he did love Zel, really.

"I don't think I will." Hisoka said, a smile on his face. "The only reason I called you here was to affirm that my suspicions about these crystals were correct."

"What are you planning...?" Chidoku hissed, steam rising from his ears.

"Oh, I'll heal Zel with these, restore her to full power. And then..." Hisoka's face brightened savagely, a aura of malice flooding the air. "To fight the Empress at her greatest height and glory, and to crush her... ooh~!"

Chidoku was laughing now, hysteria overwhelming him. "You really think you can defeat her? You?"

Hisoka's eyes narrowed, but he was still grinning. "You should be careful to doubt me. There are plenty of things I am more than capable of. Hmm, well I have no further use of you, but killing you would be a hassle. Would you mind leaving then?"

"I'll never let her fight you! I'll - I'll..."

"It's a bit too late for that."

Another figure emerged from the room. A man with long dark hair walked out, a calm expression on his face.

"Father has already ordered for Zel to be detained. She will fight this challenger, Hisoka, in a one on one death match tomorrow."

Chidoku's blood froze. He turned to towards Illumi with hatred in his eyes.

"That's why you called me out here, isn't it? To draw me away so you could kidnap her?"

Illumi glanced over Chidoku.

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