|21| Sealed with a Kiss

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|First Person POV|

I bit my lip, thinking furiously. How could I get him to help me? What could I possibly tell Hisoka, to convince this devil to come to my aid?

Finally, I sighed and settled on something that should work : the truth.

"You know, to every story, there are many versions." I started.

He leaned closer, a smirk on his face. I could tell that he was not taking me seriously at all, but I had to continue, to try. I had to get this off my chest. After all, I felt kind of bad for leading him around.

"There's the version you probably heard; Of the power hungry fiend who clawed and massacred her way up the tower. The ending of which leaves her reigning over the tower with her tyrannical power causing all to fear her."

I took a breath.

"Then, there's the less well-known version; Of the broken-hearted girl who just wanted to get away from it all. The only escape she knew was to get lost in the adrenaline of a battle, and so she did."

Another shaky breath.

"You should know, by now. That in Heaven's Arena, there are two types of people. The strong, and the weak. The strong are called victors, revered as mighty, and when they are qualified, ascend to a become a god in the common people's eyes. And the weak? There's only one name for them, this high up in this abyssal tower..."

My eyes froze over with ice. I knew this saying far too well.

"The weak, are called dead."

Hisoka sighed. "Can we get back on track?"

I glared at him. "Do you want to know the whole story or what?"

"Actually, not rea-"

I cut him off. "There was this girl, you see. She was tricked by her then boyfriend. He promised her that when they reached the Heaven's Arena, he would reach the top and proclaim to the heavens that he loved her. It would be a grand gesture, and obviously she was expecting a marriage proposal. Naive, she stupidly believed him.

But he left her. And went off with his original group. Turns out that he only needed her to get out of an investigation by the Hunters Association. So, he left her at the base of the arena and head up, promising he'd be back. The girl waited, and waited, and waited."

"Let me guess." Hisoka yawned. "He never came back."

My eyes burned with fury and sadness.

"Chrollo... He had the nerve, the nerve to trick me! I waited for half an year!"

"Huh." Hisoka said, utterly unimpressed.

"Well, whatever, I was young and stupid. So, of course I thought that he was lost up there or something, so I began to participate in the battles as well. It was all fine and dandy - I was trained in some martial arts by my clan before I had left with that scumbag. But then, I reached the 200th floor."

Hisoka's face broke into a smirk, and I kicked him in the groin.

"Shut it. Anyways, it was a rough initiation. I couldn't get up for a few months. But that wasn't the worst part. The people there, when I asked about Chrollo, finally told me the truth."

Hisoka's eyebrows raised. He really did only pay attention when Chrollo's name was mentioned.

"Chrollo had left the day we arrived at the arena. I was furious, of course, but there was nothing I could do. My legs were broken and I didn't know any nen. There was no way I could be a match for Chrollo. Then, one day, a strange and mysterious expert approached me, and asked if I wanted to train in nen.

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