|35| Deux

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I got bored, so I drew the ceremonial gown Zel wears in this chapter

I got bored, so I drew the ceremonial gown Zel wears in this chapter

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|First Person POV|

I giggled, drunk in my indulgence of sweet victory. Sweet, sweet victory on the one who dared to rise against me.

Held against Hisoka, I felt my heartbeat starting to increase. Swept up in the glitz of the night and the passion fueled by blood, I smiled at him, my eyes twinkling with macabre delight.

"Thank you." I said sincerely, to which Hisoka replied with a heart-stopping grin.

I blinked, finally noticing the crowd that was staring at me, at Hisoka, the two of us together. I pulled apart from him and coughed, addressing the crowd.

"Ah yes... Don't just stare now. I order this banquet to begin!"

There was a murmur through the crowd, and then Chidoku walked in, accompanied by a quartet of musicians.

I nodded at him, then slipped out the side door to change into a specially prepared dress for the night's festivities.

"Coming?" I asked Hisoka, beckoning him with my eyes.

He smiled, and followed behind me as I climbed a set of spiral stairs. This passage led into the cell of a penthouse through a set of large iron doors.

"Are we not attending the feast?" Hisoka murmured, his husky voice only accentuated by the ravenous look in his eyes.

I laughed, unstrapping my twin swords and laying them out on the steel frame of the bed. I stripped down to my underwear and rummaged around my wardrobe for the special outfit that Chidoku had prepared for me.

Meanwhile, Hisoka was just staring at me from behind, unusually silent.

I found the dress and started to put it on — Hisoka was still silent. I frowned and turned around, my hands on my hips.


He blinked. "What?"

"You're being weird." I said, crossing my arms over my chest and approaching him. The new dress I had put on dragged behind me slightly.

"Am I?" Hisoka asked, his eyes glimmering. "Well, it's your fault."

I scowled. I don't recall doing anything different.

He smiled and tugged on something in front of my chest. With a flourish, my cloak fell off, leaving my shoulders bare against the cold night air.

"Ah... better. I must say, Empress, you look simply ravishing tonight."

I looked down at my dress — honestly, I didn't see the point of it; everyone feared me anyways. The extravagant red gown was a bit too flashy. There was a large phoenix embroidered along the waist of the dress and it spiraled along the length of my hips. The legendary bird of myths — how fitting for an empress. The entire bird was hand sewn in with threads of gold by Chidoku himself. It must have taken a painstaking amount of time... what a good friend he is.

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