|22| The Shift

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It might have been expected that the instant Hisoka agreed to help Zel out in her plans of escape, fireworks would explode - there would be commotion; things would happen.

But, after Hisoka returned to his own suite and the night passed peacefully, life seemingly went back to normal. Well, as normal as life was for a trapped bird. Eat, sleep, fight - it was still the same vicious circle - there were no breaks. The company worked Zel harder than ever before, ever since they found out that she had sneaked into the auction and bid on herself.

Even so, there was something different. Something had changed. There was a shift in Zel. Something Illumi hadn't seen, ever. Illumi had been switched back, and Milluki was sent home in disgrace, since he fucked up his assignment. The expressionless assassin watched on as a week flew by. Something had happened with Zel - but what? And who could have possibly caused this change?

Who in the world would care so little for their own life that they would dare give the Empress hope - hope for freedom? Illumi had seen through it instantly. Although Zel tried her hardest to hide her glee and joy, there was a spring in her step that wasn't there before. She complained less. In fact, she was almost eager to fight again.

Illumi knew that without a doubt, she was counting down the days until she could break free from her jail. Yet, he still hesitated to report this to his father. For some reason, seeing Zel happy, Illumi's heart of ice thawed just a little, and he decided to keep quiet.

So, in this manner, the days passed. And soon, it would be time for another person to approach Zel.


- Larette , a cafe in the heart of the city -

Zel was sipping on her chamomile tea, trying her best to calm the raging headache she had from the night before. Bats are really annoying to fight - not only do they suck your blood at an astonishing rate, they also use sound attacks; her ears were still ringing when the bell to the cafe rang and three young children barged in.



"Zel-! We reached the 200th floor!"

It was Ki, Killua, and Gon respectively. Kimaru was scampering behind them on his little paws, trying his very best to keep up with the long legged humans.

"Boss! Did you forget about me?" The rat asked with a sad expression on its little face.

"Ah -" Zel paused, not sure of whom she should reply to first. Finally, she nodded her greetings and patted Kimaru on his white and fluffy head.

"Sorry about that, Kimaru. There was just a lot going on. I'll take him off your hands now, thank you for looking after him, Ki."

Zel sighed, and placed her cup down on the table in front of her. Kimaru immediately climbed her outstretched hand and settled down on her right shoulder. Zel flagged down a waiter who brought over menus for the three young ones, and Zel finally addressed Gon.

"The 200th floor..." She said, a calm smile on her face. "Congratulations."

"Thanks!" Gon beamed, looking up from an assortment of drink and dessert choices. He marked down a few and handed off the menu to Killua, who immediately ordered everything on the dessert menu twice before passing it to Ki. She held the menu briefly, but didn't order anything.

"So, can you help me beat Hisoka up now?"

Zel held up her cell phone. On the display was the said man's face.

"This is him, correct?"

Gon nodded vigorously.

"Hmm, before I teach you anything, I have a question for you three." Zel leaned forwards, totally serious.

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