Chapter 13

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Mirandas POV.

 I loved the new me. I felt untouchable. I looked beside me and i see a pitch black wolf. Perfect blue eyes. He was just looking forward. He was beautiful and mine. I just kept starring at him. I was lucky to have him. He turn his head to look and me and then looked forward. I kind of felt sad.

I didnt know if he was mad at me. We couldnt communicate or anything, which sucked. I just kept looking forward.

I saw in a glimps a small house, but once i got closer it was huge. Where was I? I phased back and put on my clothes, behind a tree. I look at Carter and he was just wearing basketball shorts.

He looked at me and then waked to the front door. Why was he avoiding me. He knocked twice and the door open. "Well hello cutie. What brings you here?". She was twirling her blonde hair and leaned to her side.

"Charlotte? You live here?". Did they know each other? She runs to him and puts her legs around his waist. I growled. He pushes her away. She pouts. "Whos that?". She points at me.

He clears his throat. "This is Miranda. My mate.". He walks over to me and puts his arm around my waist. I kiss him in the lips. I hear her scoff,but I didnt care. Carter puts his other arm on my head and kisses me harder. Charlotte coughs and says,"Well,Chris sent you huh?". Carter ends the kiss with a smack in the ass.

"Yeah. We wont stay long. Just for now.". Carter grabs my hand. Our fingers intertwine. It felts so good. "Can we go in?". He questions. She nods and leads the way. "Are you hungry.". She tells Carter. It pissed me off the way she acted. "Yes and so is Miranda.". She walks to the kitchen and comes back with a plate of chicken and one of salad. She gave Carter the chicken and me the salad. I just starred at her. "You need to loose weight hunny.". She smiles and sits next to Carter. The couch was pretty small so I got up and walked to the small couch.

"You wants some babe.". Carter gets up with a chicken on the fork. "Yeah,sure.". I smile at him and he feeds me the chicken. "Mmm". It tasted so good I moaned until I finished it. He kisses me on the lips. I was surprised but I kissed him back. I pushed away and he went to sit next to Charlotte, which looked pissed. I began eating my salad until it was snatched away. I looked up and a sting was on my cheek. She just slapped me. I was so mad that I phased in the middle of the living room. She jumped on my back and bite me. It didnt hurt. I fall on my back trying to squish her.

She cries out and Carter lifts me up. I phase back. I was naked. I grabbed a pillow trying to cover myself. "Ugly ass bitch. Fuck off Carter. I was his first and always his last.". She said while getting up. I run out the door while phasing.

He came for her. I didnt care if I left him. I didnt even know where I was going! I ran and ran. Getting away from her and him. They can be together if they want. I howl.

I feel a sting on my leg and I turn around a wolf was biting my leg. I cry out. I grab the wolf neck and jerk to the side. I recognized the wolf. Charlie. "What do you want!". I growl while mind linking him. "Have to bring you back,before your father comes. He is on his way.". He licks his lips and come closer to me.

"Just let me go Charlie. Please.". I say while backing away. "Nope. Doesnt work that way princess.". I run up to him and lick him. I guess it was kind of kissing. He licks me back. I phase back to my human form and so does he. He kisses me harder and so do I. We were both naked but it was the only way. "Please.". I beg him. "Give you a headstart.". He whispers.

I pull away and run in my wolf form. "Thanks.". I say in mind link and then I block him.

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