Chapter 9

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A/N: I know that your like wtf how did Charlie live. Well just keep reading till the end:)

Miranda's pov.

I was in my room. My father locked me up here. If it was up to me I would break down the door. But its not that easy. My father has put a metal door.

Im not allowed to get near the prison or see Carter. My father told me that I would never become the alpha. I really didnt care, I just wanted to be with Carter.

Knock Knock. "I dont know if you can come in.". The man entered anyway. "Miranda, you have a visitor. He says he is your fiance. Im going to let him enter.". I just shrug.

Phillip comes in a runs to me. I take a whiff. "Why do you smell like you just had sex.". He smells himself. "I dont know what your talking about. I smell clean.". He comes closer but I stop him. "Again.". I say. He puts his hands out. "M-M-Miles...". I put my finger on my lips. "I dont want to here Miles did this. Miles did that. Miles made me... It gets really old.". I take off my ring and throw it at him. "This is no more us and we. Its over.". He picks it up and gets on his knees.

"Baby. I wont do it again. We can have kids. We can live forever, togther. Just take me back.".

"Im sorry Phillip. I forgave you many times. I cant be with you no more. Just leave.". He begins to cry. I stare at him like are you seriuos. I walk over to him and hold his hands. I pick him up and take him to the door. I knock and they open. "Why are you locked up?". He questions.

"Its a game.". I say. He gives me a confused face. "Im not leaving.". He runs to the bed and sits down. I look at the men at the door. "Take him out.". Both men walked over to Phillip.

I instantly run to the door and lock it. I hear banging at the door. I ran and ran till I  reached the the prison.

"Your not allowed to come in.". One of them says. I grabbed his neck and snapped it. He was only going to be knocked out for awhile. The other man grabs me from the back. I put my arms around his neck and lift my self up. I flip over and stand behind him. I put my legs around his waist and snap his neck too. They will wake up in about an hour or two.

I grab the keys and run inside. I open door and door. I snapped necks and necks.

By the time I reach the last door I saw Carter. His face all bloody. I looked at him. "Carter? Hey come on we are leaving.". He groans and says, "Miranda, what are you doing?". I unlock all the chains and Carter falls to the floor. I pick him up and put my arm around him. I carry him to the front gates.

"Big mistake bitch. Dont try to touch me again.". I looked at her neck and there was a scar. I had a flashback and remembered that I almost killed her but my father stopped me.

I put Carter down and phase. She runs after me while phaseing. She bits my neck. I began whining but something lifted her off me. I turned around and I knew it wasnt one of us. He was pale and muscular. He was a Vampire.

I quickly phase back and run to Carter to pick him up. "Let me help.". He gets closer and picks up Carter and slings him to his back. "Let him go!". I yell. Carter begins to groan. "Im his friend trust me. We dont have much time. We need to get out of here.". I turn around and look at the woods. They were coming. I phase back and run. The vampire follows me.

"My name is Chris Valcon.". He says in my mind. I stare at him. "How did you do that.". I say back. "I read minds. Come on I know a safe place.". He quickly runs in front of me. I take a whiff of him and the smell burned my nose. But I followed him.

I ran for what looked like hours. "Almost there.". He says.

20 minutes passed and we reached a small little town. I didnt feel comfortable so I stay as a wolf. My wolf kept telling me to ditch the guy but I ignored her.

I made sure I blocked my mind from my pack. Chris puts Carter on the ground and turns to me. "I will be right back. Im getting help. Dont move.". I lay down next to Carter. Chris leaves in a millisecond.

Carter begins to groan louder. I just lick him. He just gets louder and louder. I could feel his pain. I howl. It was getting a little chilly so I put Carter on me and give him warmth. His groans become quiter and quiter. I knew that, that was a bad sign. "No. No. Carter you cant die. Come on baby. Keep making noise.". After a minute I didnt hear anything. I phase back to my human form. I was naked but I didnt care.

I began doing CPR on him but he didnt move. I cried and cried. Carter was dead.

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