Marry Me 001

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His arm wrapped around my neck, and the gun's tip pointed to the side of my head. I calmed my breathing and tears stream down my face. I feel his breathing against my ear.

"Marry Me." His voice overwhelmed me with fear.


I couldn't reply. I was too shocked of the situation. Is this some kind of sick joke? I didn't recognize the voice and I wished I wouldn't.

"I'll take that as a yes." He whispers sending me shivers. I stayed silent fearing of what's next.

He unwraps his arm away from my neck but the gun still pointed at me. I feel him move behind me heading to my front. It was too dark to see his face in front of me. He lifted my chin and I felt his finger slide my lips.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

You're already hurting me, you bastard! I wanted to scream but the thought of my life ending made me silent. How did I even get to this?!

It's already night?

"I'm going now!" I shouted to my friend, Jimin. She waved bye sending me off. It's fairly dark outside, good thing my house was close. I can see my house from here. I ran as fast as I can heading up the stairs. I regret having a rooftop house! I grab my key from my bag as I head up. I enter the keys when I felt someone move behind me. I ignored it, fearing I'd see a ghost and just focused on opening my door. Suddenly, hands covered my mouth as I quickly turn to knee whoever that person is on the stomach. I was going to let out a scream but I saw a gun point right at me.

"Scream. Go ahead, scream." I hear him let out a small laugh. It was hard to see his face on the darkness. I swallowed my scream making me cough. I decided to live, I can't die yet. Not like this. I didn't even get to eat my takeout yesterday!

"Stay still." He demanded and I did. Even if I tried to move, I couldn't. My legs felt like jelly. By just one step I will take, I feel like I will fall any moment. I felt his hands grip mine and pulled me but as I said, my legs gave up and I fell to the ground.

"Stand. What are you doing?" I feel the rush and irritation in his voice.

I stood up being dragged by him down the stairs. I hoped for someone to be outside but no hope. All the houses' lights were off. There, my tears came out.

"Put this on." He hands me a handkerchief. I held it not wanting to. I feared not seeing anything, not knowing what is about to happen but the freaking gun! I forced it on, slightly leaving space for me to see but eventually, he tightened it. I felt a rope connecting both my hands together. I was forced inside a car.

I tried to focus on the sounds I hear around me and the turns the car does. It was no help for me, It was silent and I lost track of the turns.

Goodbye, world.

He untied the rope. My hands were free, I thought of running but it was too dark to see my surroundings and where was I too run? I don't know this place and next thing you know the bullet already hit me on my head.

His footsteps was all I can hear going behind me getting father away. Suddenly, lights filled the room. I closed my eyes at the sudden light as I slowly open them back on. I expected to be in some abandoned place but-

I am inside a spacious room. It looked like an office. I scanned the room, I'm facing an empty chair with a big desk filled with paper and a laptop. He wasn't in sight. He's behind me, I thought. I feared to turn around but I did.

No one there.


How is this first chapter?

Rapmon is my bias in BTS so I decided to make a ff. This idea just came to when I saw him in a suit. He looked like a gangster leader so yeah.




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