Marry Me 007

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I pulled away from his grip and apologized.

"Let's get going. You'll be late." He says as I go and grab my bag. But my ring...

I enter his car, feeling sad. We head to school to have people stare at the car. I get out quickly, hoping for no more attention.

"I'll pick you up later. Be careful of your actions." He tells me as I close the door. I quickly head up to my room. I felt relieved being out of there. I waved hi to Jimin as she runs to me.

"You didn't tell me you're getting married!" She pulls me away and squeals at me.

"Huh?" I reply in surprise. "How'd you know?"

"Duh, you told everyone in the group chat!" She nudges me. I did? Did he take my phone and chat everyone?! He hacked my phone? I shouldn't be surprised like he said. And I still don't know where that phone is...probably in his hands.

"Well, ____. Who is he?!?" She asks me as everyone started to crowd over me when they heard Jimin squeal earlier.

"______, Tell us!! Who is he?! Is he from this school?" They all chant, I just smile awkwardly avoiding their question. I mean what was I to reply?

Oh, he's this guy who kidnapped me yesterday and pointed a gun at my head to marry him then we went to a party where I fainted. And now we live with each other. And guess what, our wedding is next week! By the way, his name is Namjoon in case you're wondering.

I was also shocked at that thought. That's what happened within a day? I was never more than glad to see the teacher till now.

"Sit, everyone, sit!" Mr. Song shouted making us all scram to our seats. He caught my eye and smiled, "Congrats, _____. You're marrying early, huh?"

I faked a smile back. I guess he noticed and moved to another subject about how chickens can survive with their head cut off for a pretty long time.

For the first time, I wanted the class to not end. I don't want to see him again and live with him but that time came when the bell rang. School is done for today...I sighed.

I took my time to go outside to see a crowd. Oh, please don't tell me--

What I feared came true, AGAIN. He was there with his sunglass, all in suits leaning on his black car. He looked cool and handsome, I admit. I hated admitting that.

I rushed the opposite way, not wanting to enter the car when that crowd is there! But he's going to get mad if I don't go by now. I don't care, I chanted in my brain.

"______!" I hear him shout behind me. Fuck. I can feel the people move and stare. I turned around with a fake smile plastered on my face. I see him wave at me, smirking.

"Is that his husband?" That's all I heard around me. Nice, now everyone knows I am with this guy.

"Whoah, he looks like a rich man."

"I want someone like him, too."

"So lucky~ "

All these comments about him saying they want him when they barely know this guy! Like uhm hello, he kidnapped me! What about we switch lives? That would be nice.

He opened the passenger door as I entered. He closes the door and bowed at everyone as everyone cheered like he's some kind of Idol. I wish he was then I'd be glad to be kidnapped. I'm just kidding by that thought by the way...(not really)

I closed my eyes pretending to fall asleep, avoiding to talk to him.

"If you're avoiding to talk to me, it won't work. We live in the same house anyway. Get used to it." His cold voice told me the obvious. I knew that, but this way, the less I will talk to him.

We reached his house. I entered, showing him my distress and sadness. I headed upstairs to change and laid on the king bed. Are we sleeping together, too? Oh God, I pushed that thought away. I can't relax... I need a phone. I went down to see him watching tv.

"Uhm.." I catch his attention. "Do you know where my phone is?"

"To the side."

I turned to the table to see a new box of phone. "That's not my phone."

"Well, it is now. Forget about your old one."

I grab the new phone. But all the pics on my phone and the music and my high scores have to be restarted! I notice it was already opened and turned on. I guess it's already been set up.

I check the contacts to only have one number and unknown. Probably his, I guessed. I named it "Bastard"

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