Marry Me 006

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We arrived at his office, I suppose. He pointed to a couch to the side of his desk. "You'll be sleeping there for tonight and tomorrow morning, I'll drive you to school."

I had no say so I just nodded. I laid down at the couch and couldn't sleep knowing he was there. I had to sleep in the dress and was more than glad to take off the heels. Soon after, I finally drifted to sleep.


I was waken up by a nudge.

"___, Wake up. We have to go now."

I quickly get up, seeing him stare at me. He was already all fixed up and ready. I glanced at the clock. 5:30am. What the hell?! Why so early....

I groggily follow him to the car and straightly went back to sleep. I woke up 20 minutes on the way. "Wait, I need to change..."

"That's why we're going early." He replies focused on the road. I see the familiar places and just a right turn will be my house and he turned the other way.

"My house is on the right." I point out.

"I never said we're going to your house." He smirks. "We're going to mine."


"But my clothes."

"Don't worry."

We reach a house with a gate as it opens for the car to enter. It had a beautiful spacious garden up front and stairs leading up to his entrance door. As soon as the door opened, I scan the whole house. It was a 2-floor house.

"This is yours?" I let out.


"Hmm?" I asked to make sure of what he said.

"Ours. This is ours. You're going to live here starting now. Our room is upstairs."

"Wait..what?" I turn to him shocked of what he said.

"Don't act too surprised. This is not all you're going to get. Go up and to your right, that's our room and go do your business. I'll be waiting here."

I was too shocked to move and I didn't want to. However, for now, I want to leave the house. I went upstairs to "our" room. That thought scared me. Is there no other room? None. The upstairs was only the door to "our" room.

I opened it to just have a dim lighting. I headed to the washroom connected to the room and took a bath.

When I opened the closet, my clothes were there. Mine...that means they entered my house. No. My ring in the box...the only thing I had from childhood. They said it was there when I was found. They said it might be from my parents. Even though, my parents were never there, I still had a connection with that ring. It comforted me, motivated me to live. I quickly changed and ran down.

"Can we go to my house? I have to grab something."

"What something?" He questions.

"My school things." I lied but I also need those.

"It's over there." He points to the side with my backpack on sight.

"What about my food on the fridge?" Now, I sounded absurd but I also need those. He turns to me, putting his phone away. "What do you really need?"

I stayed silent trying to think.

"You looking for this?" He holds up a box. My box. I ran to him to grab it but he pulls it away from my reach.

"Ya. Give it." I glared at him.

"Be careful of who you're glaring at." He reminds me as I look away, calming myself down. This bastard...

"Just give it." I quietly say and jumped up to quickly grab it. I got ahold of it and checked inside to see it empty. "Where is the--"

"This?" He asks mischievously holding the ring up.

"Ya...give it." I tell him to just have a smile in return.

He shakes his head. "I wonder how special this is." He tosses the ring up and down.

"Don't...please." I begged and he catches it. I run to him and held his hand. "Give it."

He gripped it even tighter as I try to open it but I feared for the ring to drop. And as I feared, he let go and it goes rolling away. I didn't get to see where it went.

"Ya!" I shouted at him and looked around to see nothing. "You bastard, why did you let go? I told you to give it! Ugh.." I let out my words, glaring at him.

He hold my hand and pulls me to him. My face was facing his chest. "I think you forgot who you're talking to." He whispers right at my ear, sending shivers up my spine.

Marry Me || K.N.JWhere stories live. Discover now