Marry Me 017

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Going back to Korea now. Those 2 days made us so much closer and things have happened quick and moved on fast.

I wake up slowly to feel my face heat up seeing him. He smiles at me as I quickly sit up and cover myself.

"No need to cover up." He smirks. "It's not like I have never seen it before."

I kick him on the legs as I put clothes on and head to the washroom to take a bath. Time to head back now. The more time passes, I feel happy on marrying him.

Shit. What was I thinking last night? My body just moved on its own but I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it.

I get up and also prepared for our leave.


"Ah, we're finally back~" I sing softly. On the car, he gets a phone call. He answers through his bluetooth.

"Ne? Now?" He asks and glances at me. I act as if I'm not listening and just looked out the window.

"Ne. I'll be going in a few moments." He hangs up. We drive home and he drops me to our house. "I'll be home soon." He smiles at me. I return the smile, somewhat sad. He's already going somewhere. I wave bye after he helps me drop the bags down to the house. I realize what life I will have with him. Is it worth it? Thinking about it more, the danger, the meetings he will have, the secrets he'll keep from me. Is it really worth living? I sighed and decided to go out to refresh my mind. I walked around the neighbourhood reaching the park. I entered a restaurant, noticing my hungry stomach and caught sight of Jin waving and smiling at me. Oh, what fate!

I ordered then he offered me a seat across him.

"Wow, we didn't see each other for almost two weeks now! Too bad we're in different majors." He smiles. "How about you give me your phone number?"

"Sure." I agreed giving it to him. I realize he's my second number here. I forgot to get Jimin's the whole time. Wow, what if she has been texting me the whole time? Oh, well. I'll see her tomorrow anyway.

"So how have you been?" He asks as he finishes his food. We start conversing about school and moving more deeply to just random topics.


"Nice seeing you again~" He smiles making my heart beat. He's too handsome and I notice people also staring at him. And no, I'm not falling in love with him. That's somewhat cheating and I hate cheaters. It's just that feeling like fangirling for a kpop idol. 3 girls even came to ask for his number like I wasn't there. "We should hang out again! So where you going now?"

"I guess home." I answered, not really wanting to go home in an empty house but where else would I go?

"Oh, then let's go." He gestures. I found out we walk the same way home. We talked even more till I reached home. I waved bye to him and I enter the gates to notice the black car. Oh, he's home already?

She met him again? Who is he? He's just a friend, I comforted myself. His good looks intimidated me.

"Namjoon?" She smiles making me forget my worries. "You're home already? Did you eat, I already ate."

She already ate? Probably with that guy so a close friend? I went home early so I can eat with her but never mind.

He nods, "Yeah I ate already."

I checked my phone from receiving a text.

"When can you meet me, adeul?" My mom texts.

I decided to call her. "Omma, why don't you come here at my house? You'll get to meet her, too."

My mom was excited on coming today.

"_____" Namjoon shouted my name as I rushed downstairs and waited for him to talk. "My mom's coming today."

"Eh?!" My eyes widen at the surprise. "Your mom?"

He nods. "Be ready. She'll be here in 20 minutes approximately."

His mom is coming?! Hul~ He never mentioned his mom or I have never even heard of her. I didn't bother bringing her up.

After a few minutes, I was waiting nervously. When the doorbell rang, my heart dropped as Namjoon opens the door. I stood beside Namjoon to see a seemingly young looking woman. Namjoon's mom rushed to hug Namjoon. I smiled politely staring at her. She looks at me and offers me a hug, too. "Oh, are you the lucky girl?"

I hugged her and I stare at Namjoon, not knowing what to do.

"You're beautiful." She compliments. I smile thanking her as I compliment her back, "Ey~ You're more beautiful."

"I like her." She smiles at Namjoon. "So how did you meet?"

I stay silent and she glances at both of us who refuse to explain to her.

"I'll go prepare a drink for you and Namjoon will tell you everything." I emphasized at the word 'everything'. I quickly escape the situation as I feel Namjoon glare at me.

After a few minutes of guessing he's done, I go back with coffee for her. As soon as I sit down, she apologizes to me. "Sorry on behalf of my son's doing."

"Oh, On that. I don't think he apologized yet." I stare at Namjoon who is avoiding my stare. After an hour of talking to her mom just about mostly about my life on what major I am in and my orphan life, she bids farewell. "Nice meeting you,________. I am glad my son married you."

I give her a last hug as Namjoon drives her home.

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