Being Zayn Malik's Secret Little Sister.

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"Mum when's Zayn getting back?" I questioned dancing round the kitchen in my long t-shirt and knee high socks.

"Tonight probably around 7ish." mum replied barley glancing at me.

"Does that mean I have to go round to Katy's house then?" I asked knowing the answer already, I don't even know why I bothered asking to be honest.

"Yes sweetie." again not even glancing at me.

My name's Adeelah Malik, call me that and I might kill you! Everyone calls me Addy. I'm Zayn's secret little sister, the world doesn't know me. Mum thinks it's okay for Waliyha, Doniya and Safaa to be in the public eye because they can handle it where as apparently I can't. It's not that I'm too young or anything I'm 17 so I am not the youngest out of the Malik sisters or anything. It's just I'm not ermm 'suited' for the public. I couldn't cope actually. There's some stuff that's happened and now mum is all of a sudden over-protective of me, hence people can't know I'm related to Zayn. His band mates don't even know me. Not that I really want to know them, I kind of think they might be big headed, not that Zayn is but I'm not denying he has changed since being in that band.

"Katy know's I'm going over doesn't she?" I asked, again I knew the answer but I just wanted to make conversation. Waliyha was out with her friends. Doniya was in America on holiday with her friends and Safaa was on the laptop. I have no friends and the laptop get's boring after so many hours.

"Yes she does, Adeelah are you okay?" mum asked. When I said everyone calls me Addy? I meant everyone but my mum and sisters. My sisters usually call me Addy except for when they want to annoy me. Zayn is never around and I doubt even remembers my name, I don't get to spend much time with him.

"I'm fine, just bored." I stated.


"I've done like  hours of  it and I'm not doing any more over the Christmas holiday's." I informed her, I had just started college so we were responsible for our own work load. She was clearing the kitchen because Zayn was coming so she wasn't really paying much attention to me, I don't mind though, with 3 other sisters to compete for mum's attention I'm used to it.

"Are you packed to stay at Katy's?" she called over her shoulder to me.

"Yes, I'm so bored I have everything done." I told her rolling my eyes, not that she could see me do it or anything.

"Could you give me a hand with clearing up then? Katy will be here soon anyway sweetie." she smiled at me. I sighed and began loading up the dishwasher. She wouldn't be here until 6:25 which was still 25 minuets away. That is a long time for me.

"Can I take my flute with me?" I asked. I had played flute since I was little, I've always loved the sound of it. I can play guitar and keyboard a little but flute was my main instrument.

"No sweetie, just leave it here. You don't want to make a racket." she told me passing me another plate to put away. I nodded brushing my hands on my t-shirt and getting up.

"I'm going to watch some T.V call me if you need me." I said walking out leaving a few dishes which still neede to be put away. I ran in to the lounge and dived on to the sofa and flicked on the T.V. I watched it for about 15 minuets before I heard the front door open. It was too early for Katy to be here? It couldn't be Zayn?

I peeked out the front window and saw his car along with another which meant that it was Zayn and his band mates, oh dear.

What am I meant to do?

"Zayn! You're early back! I wasn't expecting you until later." I could hear him being greeted by mum. I heard Safaa's footsteps meaning she had run to see him too.

"I'm just going to turn that T.V off no one's watching it." mum stated coming to get me out.

"I'll do it mum." Zayn said. He knew I was in here, I can tell, he wouldn't have volunteered to come in here if not. I ran and hid behind the sofa next to the one I was on so he couldn't find me. Yes I'm 16, yes I will act like a 4 year old. Is there any problem?

"Addy?" I heard him whisper closing the lounge door.

"Addy?" he raised his voice slightly.

"BOO!" I shouted.

"Shh!" he exclaimed after getting over his mini heart attack.

"What are you 3?" he laughed. I nodded as he gave me a hug.

"Why aren't you at Katy's yet?" he asked me letting me out of the hug.

"I'm meant to be picked up in, oh now. You guys weren't meant to get here til' 7." I told him as I saw Katy's mum's red land rover pull up outside.

"Can you grab my bag from upstairs while I sneak out the back?" I asked him, he nodded.

"Zayn?" Niall's voice ran through.

"Crap." I said groaning and hiding back behind the sofa as the door opened.

"Hey man. What're ya doin'?" Niall asked.

"Oh just um-"

"Talking to the furniture? Ya weirdo c'mon." Niall laughed. I heard their footsteps before the door was closed again. Well, I was almost busted.

A/N I don't know if this is going to happen or not? Do you like the idea of it or not?

This will NOT be like the Liam Payne series. The Payne twins were very special to me ;P and I would never try to re-create them but I do think it would be cool to do this kind of thing with Zayn. This will be different, it will have a different plot and will end VERY differently.

Vote comment and fan, I'll really appreciate it!! Thank you ~Emily xx

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