Skipping Church Excuses

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Here is a list of thirty excuses that people use every day for not going to church, and what to say back to them.

#1: "That church is just a bunch of Hippocrates!"
-Would you rather go to church with them, or go to Hell with them?
-We could always have one more!
-Not going to a church because of the "hippocrates" is like not going to a gym because there are out of shape people.
-We're humans! We are all a little hippocratic sometimes, but the people of the church are the ones that strive to be better than that.

#2: "I had a bad experience at that church."
-Ever heard of forgiveness? It probably wasn't even something worth leaving the church for.
-The Bible tells us not to hold grudges.
-There are other churches!
-If you have a bad experience at a restaurant, wouldn't you still go back? It's food!

#3: "I don't have the right clothes to wear."
-You shouldn't be going to show off your fancy new outfit! You should be going to worship God!
-We don't care what you are wearing, and more importantly, God doesn't care! Come as you are!

#4: "I don't understand anything they are talking about."
-Ask someone about it! I'm sure someone will be willing to help you out.
-Research it! Read your Bible!

#5: "They just want my money!"
-Actually, the church can survive without your money, so don't feel like you absolutely have to give, but it is your way of giving back to God.

#6: "I'd go to church if it was more enjoyable!"
-You're the one that determines how enjoyable the service is. You have to set the atmosphere!
-You aren't the audience, God is! You aren't the one seeing how much you can get out of it, you are the one seeing how much you can give God from your worship.

#7: "I don't need to."
-Um, actually you do. Yes, you can worship anywhere, but the Bible teaches us to assemble with our fellow Christians. (Matthew 18:20 says “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”)

#8: "I have to work on Sundays."
-Most churches have a Wednesday evening service.
-If assembling with the other saints is your priority, you can almost always make a way.

#9: "I forgot it was Sunday."
-Uhm no you didn't!
-If you really truly did happen to just forget your days of the week (which is extremely hard to believe someone would actually do), you can't do it every week!

#10: "I don't know which church to go to."
-That's OK! Pray that God will lead you to the right one!
-Find the one that tells you the truth and brings you closer to God. Don't search for entertainment.

#11: "I'd miss football!"
-Get your priorities straight!
-Record it or find it later on the internet!

#12: "I have small children."
-Most churches have a nursery or children's church that you can take them to.
-Sit at the back of the church so if they become fussy you can take them out.

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