Chapter 36 HEAT

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They had everyone helping with Luna duties and Hunter. Dara took it upon herself to make sure Hunter was fed and bathed before bed. With the help of Shannon.

Silas still didn't let Phoebe walk around much. With her morning sickness lasting all day and the Doc being worried because a wolf pregnancy is so short and she was not in good health. 

Phoebe had gotten up that morning to shower and go to breakfast with Dara, because she had promised to eat with her before school. As she stood in the shower, letting the warm water run down her back and ease the stiffness away. She looked down to see a trickle of blood. Screaming loud through the mind link she called Silas.

He jumped from the table and ran to their room, grabbing Doc by his shirt, as he ran past him almost knocking him off his feet as he pulled him behind. They ran into the room and Phoebe was standing in a towel dripping water and blood running down the inside of her legs. Silas scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the infirmary with Doc following close behind. The doctor immediately got to work and found she had an infection in her uterus surrounding the baby. 

"I can give her fluids and antibiotics and hope it clears up. But I would like to keep her here over night to monitor her progress and keep an eye on the baby." Doc told him.

"Is she going to lose the baby?" Silas asked him.

„Not if I can help it, the best chance we have is to clear the infection. So far the baby is strong and healthy, it is more Phoebe I am worried about." Doc said

" Alpha after this is over with Please no more kids for a while. She needs at least a year or two between them." Doc told him as he folded his hands together.

„It wasn't intentional Doc, Just kind of worked out that way." Silas mumbled the last part.

„Well right now she is resting, but you can go in. Just keep her calm." Doc told him. „I don't want her blood pressure going up any." 

Silas rubbed his hands down his face, sighing. He turned and stepped out of the room and put his fist through the nearest wall over and over again. Alan ran into the hall with Jack behind him. They grabbed Silas as Dawn stepped in.

" Alpha Silas, she needs you NOW, not punching walls. You have two kids to care for and her, get it together." She fussed at him. He was stunned and looked at her. Shaking his head he stepped away from Alan and Jack and walked into the room, where Phoebe was.

He sat down on her bed and took her hand kissing the back. He ran his finger down the side of her face and kissed her lips softly. He laid down with her, pulling her into his arms and holding her close as she slept.


Jack, Alan and Dawn stood in the doorway and looked at each other. „I will go take care of the kids, Dara will want to see her. What do I tell her?' She said.

„I will talk to Silas and see if he wants to tell Dara." Jack said.

„Baby, go look in on the kids we will take them tonight with Alpha's permission. I am sure he would want us to, so he can stay with Phoebe." Alan told her.

Through the link Silas told Alan to go ahead with his plan, to take care of the kids. He just wanted some time with his mate, ALONE. 

Dawn had tears in her eyes threatening to roll down her checks, as Alan stopped her from walking. „Baby you can’t got to Dara crying. You will upset her." Alan told her.

„I know I am trying not to but these damn hormones have a mind of their own. “ Dawn cried.

‘I don't think I can handle this much longer. All she does is vomit and cry. Even when she's happy she cries." Alan's wolf complained.

„You’re telling me. I am confused most of the time. Wondering if I did something wrong." Alan told his wolf.

„Me too, I love them both but this is driving me crazy. I would have better luck running around chasing my tail then to figure her out." His wolf told him.

Alan smiled and almost laughed out loud when Dawn stopped and looked at him. „Hello earth to MATE." She said, sounding exasperated.

„What babe?' Alan asked her.

„I asked what we were to tell Dara. But you are off in la la land with your wolf. What were you two talking about that has you so preoccupied?' She asked him.

„Just saying how much we love you and our pup." He said taking her in his arms and kissing her.

„Good save bub, watch she will cry again now." His wolf said.

Alan pulled back from the kiss and looked in her eyes and to no surprise she had tears in her eyes. 

„You’re so sweet." she said whipping her eyes. "Damn hormones." She said turning to go get Dara and Hunter.

Alan just shook his head and followed her down the hall to the kids.

When they got to the room they watched Porter, Malone, Jackie and Alejandra playing with the kids. Hunter found it funny that Malone would grow his claws and retract them. And Dara was riding on Porters back with him in Cat form. 

„Well if you two grown men are done playing it is time to get these fed, bathed and in the bed." Dawn told them.

„Where are mommy and Daddy?" Dara asked.

„They are spending some time with Doc tonight so they said we could have you sleep in our room with us. Would you like that?" Alan asked Dara.

„Like a slumber party?" Dara asked, getting excited.

„Sure, we can watch movies and have popcorn." Alan told her.

„Can my friends come too?' She asked him.

„Ok, let’s go asked their moms and dads." He told her.

„I don't know their moms and dads." Dara said looking at him with her head tilted.

„What? Why not are they not in our pack?' Alan asked getting concerned that she had been around others, they didn't know of.

„Yes they are, they are right here." Dara said pointing to Porter and Malone and then to Jackie and Alejandra.

„OH, Well that is up to them. I don't mind and I am sure Dawn won’t either." He said looking back at Dawn who nodded her head yes.

Dara smiled and looked to Porter and Malone. „Sounds like fun." Malone said answering for Porter who was still a panther at the moment.

„Does he have to stay a cat all night?' Alejandra asked Dara.

Dara pulled away from Alan and ran to Porter and rubbed his fur. „He is softer like this. But he can’t talk. So I guess he can shift back. At least for Dinner." she said still petting him.

They all laughed and Dawn took Dara's hand „Come on let’s wash up and eat. And Uncle Porter can go shift and meet us in the dining room." She laughed and led Dara out to the bathroom to wash her face and hands.

After they all had dinner they each went to their own rooms to shower and get ready for bed. After getting Pajamas, pillows and blankets they all met back up in Alan and Dawn's room. Dara was bathed and in her pj's along with Hunter who was trying to crawl around the tile part of the floor and slipping in his pajama knees. Dawn and Alan left the kids with porter and Alejandra while they got ready themselves.

Malone came in the room with Jackie and a handful Movies for Dara to choose from. 

„Ok I have six movies here which one do you want to start with?' Malone asked Dara.

„That one." She said pointing to Peter Pan. 

„Good choice I thought you would choose Little Mermaid." Malone told her.

„I don't like fish." Dara told him popping the DVD in the player. „They taste like dirt." 

"You don't eat the movie Dara. And which fish tastes like dirt?' He asked her.

„Catfish, it's nasty. “ She said wrinkling her nose up.

„Man why do you have Disney movies anyway? I didn't peg you for a man to watch these." Alan said coming back in the room drying his hair with a towel.

„Funny, No I went to the TV room and pulled out some I thought she would like. There are hundreds of movies in the cabinet." Malone told him.

"Shh, the movie is starting. And where is the popcorn?' Dara asked.

„I’ll get it." Porter said running out of the room and to the kitchen.

When he got to the kitchen he ran into Silas pulling things out of the refrigerator. 

„Hey, how is Phoebe?' Porter asked.

„Hungry, which is good. She is to stay in bed and hooked to monitors all night. But she seems to be Ok with it. I guess being hooked to monitors isn't like being chained up." Silas told him.

„Chained? What are you talking about?' Porter asked him as he put the popcorn in the microwave.

„Oh when we first got together I chained her to the bed frame in our room. She was pissed and picked the lock somehow." Silas told him.

„Ha, no you didn't. You chained her up. Wow! Man I didn't even know her and I knew she would get out of something like that. Man Terrance made sure she knew how to shot and pick any kind of lock just in case. He use to brag about her picking them faster than him. And he was a pro at it." Porter told him laughing.

„Really? What else did he teach her?' Silas asked.

„Well as far as I know Basic self-defense and locks and guns how to hide. Go off the grid so to speak. How to navigate in the forest. I think she can fly a small plane and a chopper. I know he said he was teaching her but I don't know how much he got to teach her, before he died. Oh and she can drive a big rig." Porter told him.

„Wow! My mate has skills. Why would he teach her all of that?' He asked him.

„He was always afraid something would happen to him and he wanted her to be able to fend for herself if she needed to. And if things got bad for us he wanted her to be able to hide. You know in our line of work anything can happen. We did missions the government didn't want known to the public or anyone else for that matter. Not to mention if we ever got caught things could get bad for our families." Porter told him.

„I am glad he trained her. I am also glad you guys never got caught. „Silas told him.

„Yeah me too." Porter said pouring the popcorn in a big bowl and popping more bags.

„Why so much popcorn?" Silas asked him.

„Ah, slumber party with Dara in Alan's room. Malone, Jackie and Alejandra are all there, waiting for this." he said pointing to the bowl.

Silas smiled and shook his head. „Don’t let her watch anything scary, or she’ll have bad dreams." Silas told him.

„No problem we got only Disney movies." Porter told him.

„I’ll go say good night to her while I wait for the microwave." Silas said as he walked out of the room.

Silas walked up the stairs and into the room and leaned on the door frame and watched Dara and Hunter. He took a deep breath and smiled at his world. He had a beautiful mate and Daughter and his little son. His world couldn't be more perfect. If only Phoebe would get stronger and pull through this. He couldn't understand why her wolf hasn't been able to heal her. To him it just didn't make sense. How can the fates be so cruel to try and take her from him now that he is happy and in love?

„Daddy!" Dara screamed holding her arms out for him. He walked in and bent down to pick her up. 

„Looks like you guys are having fun." he said to her.

„Yeah, Porter let me ride his back and he is going to shift so I can do it again." she told him excitedly.

„He is? Well don't tear the house up doing it Ok." he told her.

„Ok Daddy we won’t. I will make him be really careful." Dara whispered to him.

„You do that baby." he said putting her back down and picking up Hunter who pulled at his hair. Silas tossed him in the air and caught him as he laughed. He loved to be tossed up high. Phoebe always panicked and thought Silas might miss and hurt him. 

„You two be good for them tonight. And mommy and I will see you in the morning OK." Silas told them kissing the kids goodnight.

He walked back to the kitchen and got Phoebe's plate heated up and took it to her.

He walked in the room, sat it down on a table and got a tray to put in her lap so she could eat. „How are the kids?" Phoebe asked as he set up her food and drink.

„They are fine, better than fine they have six babysitters." He told her.

„Silas they aren't that big of a handful." She told him.

„I know they are staying with Alan and Dawn and Dara has everyone sleeping in their room for a slumber party. “ He told her.

„Who’s everybody?" she asked taking a bite of roast.

„Porter, Alejandra, Malone, Jackie, Alan, Dawn, Hunter and her." He told her.

„Wow, sounds like a full room." She said drinking her tea.

„I am surprised Jack isn't piled up in there with them." She added.

„He isn't here. I sent him to Jason's pack today to see if his mate is there. And if not he is traveling around a little to other packs to look for her. He is lonely more now than before. I mean all of his friends are mated now and he feels like the fifth wheel, so to speak." Silas told her.

„Well I hope he finds her at Jason's pack. I want everyone to be happy and mated. 

How many other unmated members do we have? I mean our age or so." she asked.

„Not sure, I think around seven, our age. And more if you count the younger ones who just are at the age to find their mate." He told her.

„So maybe we should send those seven with Jack to visit other packs. I mean it would be safer to travel together and maybe they will all get lucky and come back with the love of their lives." She told him taking another bite of her food.

„That’s not a bad idea. I’ll call Jason in the morning and make sure it is ok with him. And then we will call other Alpha's from the area also if needed." Silas told her.

„Good. Now maybe we need to pick names for this baby. I don't want to have to wait days to name it like we did with Hunter." Phoebe told him seriously.

„It would be easier if we knew what it was first." Silas told her.

" True, but we don't so we can write down names for both sexes and pick the ones we like best and when we find out what we’re getting we’ll have a name already." she said picking up the plate and handing it to him.

Silas picked the tray up as well and moved them aside and grabbed a pen and paper from Doc's table and sat next to her in the bed pulling her to his side.

„OK, so if it is a girl what do you like?' He asked as he made lime across the middle of the paper and the top wrote Girls names and the bottom boy's names.

Isabella, or Angelina." Phoebe said.

He wrote down the names she picked and thought for a minute. Then he wrote down Angelina Isabella Steele. 

„Hey I like that." Phoebe said looking over his arm. 

„Me too." he smiled at her.

„I guess we have a girl’s name now what if it is another boy?' he asked her.

„It won’t be. It is a girl." she said. Looking up at him.

„Really? And how do you know this?' he asked.

„I dreamt it." she told him.

„Did you dream about Hunter too?' He asked her.

„Yes, But I just thought it was a regular dream so I didn't know. But now I am having this dream about the baby and she is so cute. Chubby, soft and sweet. „She smiled rubbing her hand over her tummy.

" In this dream does she look like her mom?' Silas asked her. Kissing her head.

„She looks like us both. A lot like Hunter only feminine. Same hair as him and dimples But she is smaller and her eyes are like yours only greener." Phoebe told him running her finger down his cheekbone.

„She will be beautiful." he said sliding down in the bed and holding Phoebe. The sound of their baby’s heartbeat was all they could hear and they slept listening to the rhythm of their baby’s heartbeat.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The next morning

Silas woke up early and slid out of bed and into the kitchen to start coffee. As he was waiting for it to brew Jackie walked in. " Hey, you’re up early” she said.

„Yeah I have a lot to do today. Thought I would try to get an early start on things." He told her.

„Well if you need any help that I can provide I will be down here in an hour or so. My day to help cook breakfast." she told him.

„I’ll keep that in mind. You might be needed after this, I need to locate a few people and I know that is right up your ally." Silas told her as she poured him a cup of coffee.

„Sure is and I miss doing it. You let me know who and I will have them located in an hour." She beamed. That was a part of her job she loved. Tracking down people that didn't want to be found and she was damn good at it. No one can ever hide from her. Not for long anyway.

„Can you take Phoebe breakfast and meet me in my office I have a list of names for you." Silas told her.

„Yes Alpha." She smiled. She was so ready to do something other than house work and get back into her real job again. Not that she wanted to reenlist or anything but with all her training sitting around playing house wife wasn't her at all. Yeah she wanted a mate and kids. But she craved excitement also.

The other women slowly made their way in the kitchen and they all got to work on breakfast for the pack. After they had cooked all the food Jackie took a plate for Phoebe and her plate as well and sat with her to eat. 

They talked and ate after that Jackie stood up. 

„Can you stay a while longer? I am so bored in here.” Phoebe asked her.

„I can come back but I have to help Alpha Silas with some things first. I can't wait to work again." She almost squealed out.

Phoebe laughed at her excitement. „I can send someone to sit with you and keep you company if you want." Jackie told her.

„That won’t be necessary." Dawn said walking in with Dara and Hunter." we will keep her company for a while. At least till this little guy gets cranky for a nap." 

„That is the best company ever." Phoebe said as Dara climbed in bed with her and hugged her.

Jackie left and headed to Alpha Silas' office. She knocked on the door and opened it slightly poking her head in.

"Come in Jackie." He said looking up.

She walked in and looked around at all the other people in the room. Malone pulled her to his chair and stood up to let her have the seat.

„Ok you are all here because you each have a skill that is useful to this pack and this problem." Silas started to explain.

„I have sent Jack with seven other pack members to Jason’s pack and to other packs around looking for their mates and keeping eyes out for the rogues that we are still looking for. Jackie I have a list of names of former pack members here from them we know they went rogue I need them found." He said handing her the paper 

„Most of them went rogue from loss of a mate or just didn't want to be a part of a pack. Some of them left on good terms and just prefer to travel around the world. You will notice that some are politicians and some just well-known names in the public eye. But reaching them by phone is out of the question as they have no listed numbers. Those are listed in Red the ones in Black are dangerous rogues that we know the names of some from other packs." he told her.

„I’ll have the ones in Red in about half an hour for all of them." Jackie told him.

„Half hour?" He asked her.

„Yeah politicians are easy that won’t take ten minutes for all of them. The other I have to dig for shouldn't take long with my connections. And two of these in Black are dead I already know I was there when they died." She told him

" Great, there is a computer in the office next down you can get started." he told her.

„Yes sir, but I have a laptop I would rather use. It can’t be traced." She told him.

„You do what you want Jackie, I won’t ask questions just get it done." Silas told her.

Jackie nodded her head once and walked out of the room.

„Declan, you, Porter and Malone track down these men." he said handing him zip lock bags of cloths with scents.

„With the three of you working together it shouldn't take long. Declan's tracking skills with you twos skills should be unbeatable at this point." He told them „Do what you have to do to find them, if you need funds let me know and I will give you another credit card. Go" he told them.

They all stood up and nodded their heads and headed out the door.

„Alejandra, I need a list of your skills I know the Navy Seals have trained you well and you will be of good use to the pack. I intend on putting as many of your skills to use as possible to help keep us all safe. Until the time comes that you and Porter decide to tell me you are pregnant of course." He smiled at her.

„Well not yet Alpha" she said but I have tracking skills as well and I can defuse bombs in and out of water. I am not sure how useful that will be around here but I can fly a plane and I was trained in hand to hand combat and I am well equipped with any fair arm you can name. Some of my skills I am not permitted to say but I will use any that I have to insure the safety of my Alpha and pride or pack now I should say." She told him. „I’ll get you a list. I just need a computer to print It." she told him.

„Maybe I can have Jackie print it she has the untraceable computer and I would have to break into military files to get It." she told him.

"Let's go talk to Jackie then." He motioned for the door and led her out of the room. 

A/N: Posted this early. Just to give you guys something. I am still working on more and plan to have it out by the weekend. Thanks to everyone who is reading and voting.

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