chapter 45 heat

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Having put Phoebe to bed and settled the children, and turned the gym into a larger hospital for the injured, Jason set out to start burning the dead rogues. The bodies had all been pilled together with men waiting to light the flame.

   Jason gave the order for it to be lit as he walked away. Men and women still cleaning the lawn, hosing down the blood so it would soak into the ground or be washed away he stood and pondered the events and the lose. So many had died good and bad. His friends were all suffering in one way or another. Having been injured or lost a loved one.

   Porter stepped up and put a hand on his shoulder. " You OK." Porter asked.

   "yeah,.... you know Silas is out of it for a while ...if he makes it at all. and Alan ...." he shook his head. " Dawn ...i don't know what is happening around here anymore. Phoebe is in bad shape and if Silas don't pull through I don't this she will make it.". Jason sighed.


   " Stop, don't say that. Silas will be fine. And phoebe will pull through. Dawn is hanging on even if by a thread. Alan is still has a heart beat doc has him hook to ventilator to help him breath. We have doctors working on all of them the best from all three packs and some help coming from a few others."

"You will make a good alpha one day." Jason told him.

"No,  I didn't arrange all of this Jack did. He made the calls. I just helped direct after he set it up." Porter told him.

    "Well, I'm glad he kept a good mind today.  He is going to need it. He is mating to the former alpha Connery's daughter, that makes him alpha now." Jason told him

" Holly shit! does he know yet" Porter asked.

"No, Lori wanted to wait till things settled. she is with her mom now." Jason said

" How are they doing? I mean Lori. I can imagine Heather is not doing so well." Porter asked.

" She is strong, she will be OK. She has Jack to help her when we find him again and tell him. Which is what I need to do now." Jason said turning to walk away.

Porter went back in the house and headed up to check in on Dara and Hunter. As he walked in the room Alejandra was rocking a sleepy Hunter and Jackie was holding Dara both sound asleep. Al  looked up and gave a small smile and continued to rock the baby.  whisper Porter leaned down " You know you can lay him down, right?" he asked

" I know its just hard. He has been through so much today. And so have we. Holding him close just makes me remember that there is still things to be thankful for." she said I. a whisper.

" I know" Porter said rubbing his hand over  Hunter " But, I would like to hold my mate." he said as he lifted the baby from. her arms and laid him down in the crib. He turn to her and pulled her to his chest

him tucking her under his chin. they stood there for a while just holding on to one another.


In the infirmary doc had Silas, Alan and Dawn. two doctors from Jason and Charles packs all working to try to save them all. As doc finished closing up Silas's last wound he moved to wash up and help with Alan. He stood over him monitoring for a moment

"  you got to make it through this man. You have a mate and pups to see. They need you. And from the looks of Dawn needs you real bad right now."

Alan lifted a finger as if to say he heard him. doc smiled and continued fixing sutures in his arm. They had closed all the other major wounds and hoped the lung would heal. Dr Morrison had taken the ventilator off as Alan was breathing on his own.

   Dawn was in the bed next to Alan still holding his hand. they had moved the beds close not having the heart to separate the mates. she had stop hemorrhaging but it was touch and go for the next few days. If the babies survived the night with no more problems maybe she would be able to carry to term and not lose them. Doc was more worried that she wouldn't make it if she labored early.

When he thought she had died it broke his heart. The fast thinking of Lori saved her. Lori had begun chest compressions and CPR breathing. Doc snapped out of it and got to work stopping the bleeding. Other medical personnel had hot to work on Alan .For that he was greatfull .

Sitting down in a chair by the wall doc hung his head and prayed. He didn't want to lose anymore family he had lost enough for one day. The packs had all lost men a total of Fifteen dead men and one woman. He and the other doctors had worked hard to save as many as they could. They still had fifty injured lined up in the gym.

Silas was still unconscious and had lost a lot of blood. His injuries had been grave but he was a strong alpha and doc  just hoped he would pull through. All they could do now was wait and let their wolves heal them.


Dara woke early the next morning and went to Hunter's crib. she pulled a chair over and looked in at him . He just looked up to her and smiled and babbled. Dara stepped down from the chair and grab her supplies. she set them on the chair and went to the small refrigerator and pulled out his bottle. she plugged in his bottle warmer and set the bottle in and climbed back into the chair and into the crib with Hunter. she undressed him changed his diaper and put a new outfit on him. she noticed it was a little twisted but that was the best she could do. She shrugged her shoulders and climb back out and got the bottle.

After climbing back in the crib she begin feeding Hunter.

After hunter finished half of the bottle Jackie walked in and stood in the door shocked.

" wow you did this by yourself?" she asked

" yeah mommy is going to need me to help and if daddy don't ever wake up Hunter is going to have to grow up and be alpha and I have to take care of him now so he can."  Dara told her with tears streaming down her little face.

"Oh Dara you don't have to worry about all of that your daddy will wake up and mommy is going to be just fine. Wait and see. All though I could use your help with Hunter for a while till they both get better."

" The last time rogues attacked my real daddy and mommy died. It might happen this time too." Dara said still holding Hunter in her lap.

Jackie reached down and picked up Hunter to burp him as Malone walked on in the door and picked Dara up from the crib.

" I know this is all Scarry for you  and it is for us as well, but you have to have faith that they will be OK. I am glad you want to help with Hunter, but I don't want you to think negative thoughts OK. Your mom and dad are strong they will pull through they just need time to heal. Did you know how the wolf heals your body?" he asked her.

" no." she said shaking her head.

" Well , I was told on good authority I might add , that when you rest the wolf heals your body to make you stronger. Your body resting helps the wolf heal you." he told her.

" Who told you that?" Dara asked.

" Your daddy." Malone told her. he kissed her on the head and sat her down on her feet.

"Now , let's get you dressed and go eat breakfast. And then I will take to see your dad and then your mom. OK "

"OK." she said as she ran off to the dresser to pull out some clothes.

a/n: still writing more and will try to post later today. I love the comments by the way. my oldest daughter was mad as well and voiced her opinion loudly about my last

please vote and comment I do read them all. thanks for sticking with me.

" HEAT!".....editing...completedWhere stories live. Discover now