chapter 38 HEAT

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A/n thank you all for your comments and my early happy birthday wishes. :) 
I am over joyed that you all have stuck by me and still love the story. I will try not to go so long between updates. But....I lost a filling and then broke the tooth which is now infected. ..Yippy.  :(
I have to have oral surgery Friday to remove ..Hurts like hell. And thanks to my allergies to narcotic pain meds I am stuck with Aleve and ibuprofen over the counter for pain. (Not working well)
I would rather give birth to a litter of 20lb babies with no meds than to have a toothache. 
Ok sorry for ranting on to the story. 
..................................... Edited 11/07/2013......................

Silas sat in his office just staring at a photo of Phoebe that sat on his desk. All he wanted was to keep her safe and love her. Physically removing someone who wanted to do his family harm he could handle but medically he was screwed.  Pray to God that she would be ok was all he had left. He had prayed to the fates and the moon goddess and the lord above. Hell at this point he would pray to Buddha if he thought it would help. Every God known to the world he prayed to if he believed in them or not. He just wanted her healthy and in his arms.

  The phone ringing brought him out of his thoughts. Reaching and answering the phone he was immediately bombarded with Jacks, voice almost in a panic, all he caught was „They are going to kill her! You have to help me. Please Alpha Silas I am begging you help me help her please!"

"Jack slow down.  Help who and who's going to kill her whoever she is?" Silas asked.

"My mate and Alpha Charles he wants her dead." Jack all but screamed into the phone.

„OK, why does Charles want her dead? “ Silas asked as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

„She was caught stealing from his warehouse she is a rogue." Jack explained.

"Shit! “Was all Silas could say. A rogue stealing. On pack land from a pack is nothing less an automatic death sentence.

„I need to speak with Charles. “ Silas growled out through clenched teeth.

"Well hello again old friend." Charles said with a smile.

„Charles I need you to allow this female to live and go free with her mate." Silas said calmly.

„Now Silas why would I do that. She would only steal from me again. Unless of course you know of some Alpha somewhere that would stand for her." Charles said again in a friendly voice. 

Silas took a deep breath and let it out slowly. „I will stand for her Charles.  I owe Jack that much. If you would be so kind as to have Jack and his mate escorted back to my den. You may keep her chained until she is in custody here if it will ease your troubled mind." Silas smiled as he gloated his old friend.

„No trouble at all, Silas. I wouldn't mind but... I have a request." Charles replied.

„I knew you would. What might that request be?" Silas asked.

„Allow a few of my unmated pack to travel with your men. For safety of course.  I don't have many and well sending them out alone just doesn't sit well with me. After everything my so called father did, I am sure if they traveled with your pack mates other Alphas would be more inclined to trust them and allow them to mate females from their packs." Charles replied.

„Fine.  But my men are in charge they have to obey and start no trouble.  Other than that I have no problem helping assure their safety as they travel." Silas told him.

„Perfect. Then I will have Jack and his mate sent to you today. I am glad we could come to an agreement." Charles said.

„As am I. But Charles you know all you had to do was ask and I would have helped you." Silas laughed at his friend.

„Yes I know. But this way shows good faith to other packs and I am still trying to get the bad taste my father left, out of other alphas mouths." Charles said.

„I understand. Well if you need further assistance just call. You know Jason could be persuaded to help as well." Silas told him.

„Thank you old friend. I will talk to you later." Charles said as they hung up the phone.

Silas sat back in his chair. Now if Charles needs more help he would do it quickly not only for a friend but for the assurance that if he needed help with his little problem he now has another pack at his disposal. 

Standing up Silas headed to the infirmary to see Phoebe.

" HEAT!".....editing...completedWhere stories live. Discover now