chapter 39 HEAT

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" excuse me,Alpha.  I let Malone  know where to find Kerry he is close so they are bringing him in. alive. " Jackie said running to join her Alpha in the hall.

" Good work Jackie. what's their ETA?" Silas asked.

"Now. they are coming across the south side of the den now." she responded. 

Silas linked with Malone and had him take Kerry to the cells and lock him up. He was most definitely seeing his mate before dealing with that man. as he walked away from Jackie he thought how well his plan was coming together. he had Kerry so Alpha Connery will be over joyed to help him with his problem as well.he will be so happy to have his daughters murder in his hands he would probably do anything to help Silas now. He truned into the foyer and Jack busted in the door seathing mad.

" YOU! Why did you have her locked up like a criminal ?" Jack screamed.

"Jack,  you need to calm down. I have to speak with her and make sure she is ok to be around the pack and the kids before I let her out. it won't be for long." Silas told him calmly.

" Yes sir, Are you speaking with her now?" Jack asked shifting from foot to foot anxiously.

Silas took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He turned to Jackie who was walking in with Malone.  " check in on my mate and let her know I will see her soon." he told her with a pleading look.

" yes sir." she smiled and headed off to the infirmary. poor man had been trying to get to Phoebe for hours now and keeps getting delayed. hopefully he makes it to her soon he looks ready to explode.  Jackie thought as she reached Phoebe's room.

" knock knock, how are you feeling?" Jackie asked as she walked in and sat next to her.

" better I think. Where is Silas? " Phoebe asked.

Jackie smiled at her and leaned back in the chair " delayed, again. everytime he starts heading this way he gets sidetracked or something else comes up. he actually sent me to you this last time. he looks ready to pop. I for one am glad to be here with you instead of near him when he does." Jackie told her.

" what's going on? Is something wrong out there?" Phoebe asked.

" Oh No,  nothing bad. He is just trying to get to you and looks a little pissy cause he can't get here fast enough." Jackie smiled trying to make her believe her lie. Now she just wished Alpha Silas would get here and take over the explanations.

" I am so tired of laying in this bed and looking at the same walls. I swear it is going to drive me crazy."  Phoebe told her sounding like she was ready to make an escape herself.

" I know what you mean.  Maybe the good doc will let you up a little today. and we could go to the gardens for a while if your ok." Jackie told her.

" that would be nice. Hey how did the slumber party go?" Phoebe asked laughing. dara had already told her she had put make up on Malone after he fell to sleep.

Jackie smiled. " he really is good with kids. He woke up when she touched him but he played sleep and let her do it anyway. Dara just loved it and giggled the whole time. The funny part was he did forget when he woke up this morning and walked out to the kitchen to get coffee and ran into some pack mates. " Jackie laughed out loud with Phoebe.

"Oh I can imagine he will get picked on for a while. " Phoebe laughed.

" He said he didn't mind. It made Dara happy so he didn't care."  Jackie sighed.

" And all of that made you think of having babies too." Phoebe said knowingly.

" yeah it did. I was happy just having my mate and working. I figured kids could wait a while. But after watching him with your it has me thinking maybe I don't want to wait. I mean we mated fully and my heat should be starting soon..." she let the sentence hang and just looked at Phoebe.

" So talk to him and see what he thinks. " Phoebe suggested.

leaning on the door frame with his arms crossed Malone spoke up " He thinks that if his beautiful mate wants babies then we should get started right away. practice makes perfect." he said as he walked to Jackie and pulled her into his arms.

" really? " Jackie asked.

" really,  I couldn't think of anything that could make life more perfect." he said as he kissed her.

" OK, OK , not in here with me you two. get a room of your own." Phoebe spoke up when the kiss got heated.


Silas walked into the cell room and stopped in his tracks he turned to look at the female rouge and sniffed the air hard. " WHAT THE HELL? WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? DO YOU KNOW THAT EVERYONE THINKS YOUR DEAD?"  he screamed at her.

" I know. I had to." she hung her head in shame tears streaming down her face.

Silas took a deep calming breath and let it out. here locked in his cell was Alpha Connery's daughter. The one and only.

" Why?  girl do you realize what you put your family through and the poor man accused of your murder? He has been hunted for years running for his life. every pack across this country has been looking for him. And your mother, I have never seen a woman look so broken. What the hell were you thinking?"  he questioned.

Jack stood at the side wide eyed and in shock as realization hit him. he couldn't move or speak he just looked at his mate and back at his Alpha.

" I am sorry for the man I really am but I had to leave.  daddy was going to make me mate with his beta and I just couldn't I won't not ever. I wanted my mate." she cried.

Jack let out a growl from deep in his chest and stalked toward the cell door. "  mine. " he growled.

" Yes Jack she is yours. I will call her father. and I am sure now that you have your real mate that won't be an issue anymore." Silas said as he unlocked the cell door and let her out.

" I guess that means you are no murder after all Kerry." Silas said as he unlocked his door as well.

" I told you I was innocent. damn it why did no one ever listen to me. I told them she ran I saw her. But when they saw blood her blood the Just assumed I killed her. " Kerry explained.

" Its over now. Or it will be soon. I have a few calls to make and get all of this worked out. Kerry you will need to stay here until I get it straight so you won't be in danger any longer." Silas told him.

" hey sounds good to me. I am tired of running. I would like a shower and real cloths if you don't mind."  Kerry said to him.

" I thought you would be use to womens cloths by now." Silas smirked.

" you never get use to it. the pants pinch your balls and how the hell do they where bras all the time. damn things cord you something fearce. I did it to hide and it worked until your trackers got ahold of me." Kerry said.

Silas laughed out loud and patted the man on the back as he lead him out of the cells.

" Jack your little brother is about Kerry's size. think he can spare the man some cloths?" Silas asked in a get the man some cloths kind of way.

" yeah I think he can spare a few, come on then Kerry. " Jack said motioning for him to follow.

a/n I thought I would give you a little something this morning. I didn't think I would feel like writing after the is short but I didn't have time to write a lot go to go get this devil of a tooth out.

" HEAT!".....editing...completedWhere stories live. Discover now