chapter 44 heat

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after running for what felt like hours carrying Hunter I'm her arms she finally sees the pack house. Women ran out to meet her helping her to the door and up the steps.

" Here let me take him." Dawn said as she reached for Hunter.

gripping the baby to her chest she shook her head and held him tight and turned for the stairs.

" its OK, come on we will go to Phoebe." Dawn said as she took her elbow and lead her to the Luna's room.

As they opened the door Phoebe was in bed sitting up talking to the doctor and  Heather, Lories mom.

"My baby!" Phoebe said as she saw them walk in. holding her arms out Lorie walked to her and sat down on the bed next to her still clutching Hunter. She placed a light kiss to the babies head and slowly gave him to his mom. Phoebe held her son and kissed him all over his face , taking a look at him she checked him for injury. slowly she looked up to Lorie " thank you so much, but where is Silas?" she asked.

" I...In the forest. rogues attacked, but I  sure all is well." Lorie told her looking back to her mother.

She flung herself into her mothers warm embrace and cried.

Heather held her daughter in her arms " its alright , hunny  why are you cryin"

" oh a I have missed you... I  so sorry for everything , I can't imagine what you have been through because of me. "

" momma , the look on alpha Silas face when he looked at his son and held was pure love and relief and more...I don't know how to describe it.... momma I  so sorry." she clung to her mother.

" Lori , oh my God!" her mother gasped. Lori looked up and Phoebe and Heather had the same look. Something happened that they could feel through the bond with their mates.

Dawn and doc had been standing silent during the little reunion were now I'm attention and watching the women with a cautious eye.

doc moved closer to Phoebe placing his hand pm her stomach. he could feel the heart beat s of Phoebe and the babe. she didn't need more stress he feared it would make her labor much to early

Through the windows they could hear growling and snarling the fight had moved to the front lawn man from both packs and left a packed house had joined the fighting dawn move to the window pushing the curtain aside and looking out.

Men and even some women had shifted and we're fighting she could see Alejandra alongside of Jackie.

Dawn turned and ran into the side office of Phoebe and Silas's suite.

She grab the phone from the desk and hit the emergency button calling Jason, as he picked up the phone dawn screamed " we need help it's an all out war out here!"

" my man are on the way, dawn you must get everyone to the security  room now!" Jason told her.

" yes sir." she said trembling as she hung up the phone.

" Dawn I have to get to Dara!" phoebe yelled.

" No, I'll get her" doc said. " you all get Phoebe and Hunter to the security room." he turned and ran from the room.

Heather and Lori helped Phoebe out of the bed. Lori took Hunter again cradling him I'm her arms as her mother let Phoebe lean on her.

" OK ladies follow me, we will take the back stairs I think that will be safer." Dawn said holding her stomach and waddling out of the room.

as they snuck through the halls more women and children followed closely and quietly behind them.

doc ran up from a side hall and entered the stairs with Dara on his arms. they made it to the security room and once again huddled in behind a locked door waiting for their mates to come.

Outside was a mass of dead bodies and fighting wolves. the lawn was covered in the dead and blood soaked into the ground.

rogues swarmed out of the trees attacking they just kept coming. As Jason finally arrived with his fighters along with Charles and his men.

Silas and alpha Connery and the men they had left ran to the pack house  and into more fighting . Silas stopped and noticed his friends had joined in and he howled as he jumped over a rogues dead body that had landed in front of him. Porter leaped out of a tree onto the back of a wolf that was attacking Alejandra ripping is side open with his claws as he dug into him. rolling with the wolf in his mouth he pushed with his paws and sliced the rogue open as he threw the dead body to the side.

Malone ran to Jackie's side fighting along with her. Jason and Charles stood back to back taking on as many as they could as they were attacked over and over  from all sides.

  alpha Connery had deep wounds to his side and neck but managed to take down three rogues before he collapsed to the ground unable to move. He watched from the ground as the fighting g continued around him. Silas moved to his side throwing rogues off him in every direction. he was bleeding badly from several gashes  as he fought to protect his friend and home.

After what felt like hours but was only minutes of fighting it all seemed to stop. Silas fell to the ground and lay looking out at all the death around him. His family had caught hard along with his friends. he knew if he died all would be taken care of. Jason and Charles and Porter and Malone would take care of his pack and his mate and children. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath letting it out as he passed out.

Alpha Connery growled and Porter ran over nudging Silas to get him to wake up. shifting back he yelled for help. lifting the big man would be hard alone. Several men came and Jason.

" doc will be in the security room, Get him. NOW!" he yelled.

one of the men ran off to locate doc.

" Do a sweep of the area make sure there are no more rogues left.". Porter ordered.

Jack took his group of trackers and headed off.

Malone and Jackie took a group to check the bodies looking for any that lived and getting medical help to them.

Charles and his men started clearing out the dead rogues and piling them in a field to be burned.

Jason stayed with the two alphas until doc arrived.

Doc skidded to a stop by his alpha with medical bag in band and got to work trying to stop the bleeding as his assistants got to work on alpha Connery.

The medical teams from the two other packs joined them a few minutes later to help . men and women where limed up laying on the ground the worst getting immediate medical attention.

Cries could be heard from the women that lost mates and children that lost a parent.

A scream was heard as Dawn turned and saw Alan laying in the blood coated dirt. she collapsed into his body shaking violently as pain gripped her abdomen.

Lori ran to her with Phoebe running as best she could to Silas.

Heather ran to alpha Connery and dropped to her knees as he took a breath.

" I will always love you." he whispered as he closed his eyes.

Her body shook as she held him to her.

" I NEED HELP OVER HERE.!" Lori screamed as blood drained from between Dawn's legs.

Doc ran to her laying her down by Alan. " She's hemorrhaging, she's losing the babies she's bleeding out badly I don't think she'll make it." he said mostly in a whisper as Dawn reached and gripped Alan's hand and released her last breath.

"oh God, no!" Phoebe yelled as she tried to make it to her friend.

Doc grabbed her and held her back. " I need to get a sedative. We can't lose her too.!"  he told Jason as they carried phoebe into the house.

After laying her in bed and injecting her she slipped off to sleep.

It took four men to lift Silas and carry him to the infirmary. doc arrived shortly after and started operations to close his wounds and repair the internal damage.

a/n: please bear with me while I type this on  my phone this is still unedited

" HEAT!".....editing...completedWhere stories live. Discover now