chapter 43 Heat

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As Lori ran showing the way to that cabin Silas and all the rest of them followed closely behind. Some of the pack members joint off on the side already and wolf form. As they got nearer to the cabin they spread out circling around back to the sides Silas decided to stay with him along with alpha Connery the rest of the team went about circling around following close behind.

As they got closer and closer to the doors and windows they could hear her rambling talking to herself and to the baby. Silas could hear his sons happy noises.

Crouching low by the window Lori decided to slightly ease up and try to peek inside  not far away Shannon was standing with knife over the baby the odd part was that she was smiling and talking to the baby as if nothing was wrong.

She turned in motion for Silas and her father. As they got closer to Lori and looked up at the window  all Silas  saw was red all he saw was a knife hanging over his sons chest alpha Connery reached out and touched his shoulder. Giving him a look he motions with his head for Silas to pay attention Shannon was standing still talking to baby explaining everything that happen to her in her old pack all the abuse all the hatred.

Silas ,alpha Connery , and Lori stood by the windows listen to the woman talk she explained almost in detail to the infant everything that she had gone through from the time her parents disappeared to the very day that she met her mate Eli.

as Shannon continue to ramble on about the abuse and not being able to go through it again at that point Lori Looked Back up her father and Silas . They all seem to understand that moment that the woman was seriously stressed and having a mental breakdown problem was how to get the knife away from the baby without causing any harm. Alpha Connery took Silas by the arm and pulled him back slightly as the men walked further away from the window alpha Connery said "  Silas she's been abused she's been traumatized she's not right in the mind. I believe it would be a shame to kill this woman and not offer her some kind of help for the trauma that she's endured but we need to do this and keep your son safe hopefully both of them safe"

" I won't lose another child to no one.

If there is not a way for us to get her away from my son with that knife I will kill her"

" and anyone else to get to my way." Silas growled as he turned to walk away.

" Silas I understand more than you know about the loss of a child even though mine was returned me by you thankfully, I promise you I would never put your son in danger but you must listen the girls traumatized she's been through horrible horrible things she is a pack member as alpha it is your place to protect them and offer help it is your duty as alpha if her life can be spared and she can be helped it is your duty to do so but it's also your duty to protect your son and the future of your pack. "

As the two alphas turn to look back at the cabin not seeing Lori anywhere in sight but the door slightly open they ran to the cabin slowly looking in again. Lori was standing not three feet away from Shannon looking down to the baby and talking gently to her telling her she understood the abuse that she went through and everything that she must be feeling at this moment but to harm the child was not going to help her. As Lori stood there next to Shannon she placed her hand on top of hunters chest slowly stroking small circles hoping that if she did strike the knife that her hand would take the blow and would be able to stop her from injuring the child.

"I don't want to hurt him he's the only one that loves me he's the only one that's happy I'm here." Shannon said with tears running down her cheek.

" he's not the only one Shannon what about your own son and your mate and the rest of your pack they all need you they love you that's what a pack is for , an extended family. You have to trust in them and confide in them that's where you can build your strength." Lori told her in almost a pleading tone.

Shannon stood trembling her hand shaking tears streaming down her face as Lori slowly reached up and put her hand over her hand that held a knife Lori gently pried the knife out of Shannon's fingers as  the woman trembled in front of her. Lori threw the knife behind her as Shannon collapse into her arms in a fit of tears.

Silas ran into the room grabbing up his son and holding him close to his chest. Connery entered next along with several of the other trackers they subdued the woman from Lori's arms leading her out the cabin. Silas follow them out the door with his son held tight in his arms.

As they all walked slowly following the trail back towards the pack house it was going to be a very long walk the other men that  had been hiding and surrounding the cabin come around and fell in behind them . Walking for about 10-15 minutes. Shannon screamed "No!" at the top of her lungs.

In a matter of seconds she had flung herself out of the arms of the man that held her and in front of alpha Silas and baby hunter just as a rogue wolf jump from the trees that surrounded them the rogue wolf had ripped out her throat and flung her body to the ground. Within a matter of couple seconds it was all out war in the middle the forest

With Silas still clutching hunter in one arm and slinging rogues away from him with the other arm still in human form. Jack ran forward and grab the baby immediately turning  and shoving him into Lori arms. At that moment Porter sprinted forward in cat form Lori stop suddenly with a gasp Silas looked over his shoulders "go with him he will keep you safe"

and that split second several rogues jumped on Silas and alpha Connery both men fighting and ripping throats and the limbs off of the wolves in between shifting instantly

Silas growled the loudest most ferocious growl any one had heard. The growl was so loud and so deep in vibrating the ground beneath Lori's feet Hunter never made a sound in the distance she could hear other wolves in the pack howling on the way to join the fight it was an all out battle the ground covered in body parts and pieces of Rogues and other pack mates blood cover the rocks in the grass all that to be heard was growling and chopping off teeth and breaking of bones.

Malone joined Porter in an attempt to escort Lori and Hunter out of the battle. Getting her and the baby to a safe enough distance away from the fighting they turned started running  back towards the fight Lori nodded understanding knowing that she needed to head to the pack house to get the baby to safety.

" HEAT!".....editing...completedWhere stories live. Discover now