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Jungkook woke up to the sound of his phone ringing. He lazily got up and look at his phone. He saw that it was Sehun and quickly change his mood before answering.

"Hey Sehunnie," he said in a sweet voice.

"Jungkook, can you come to the cafe we always go to like, now," Sehun ask in a rush.

"Yeah babe I'll be right there."

Sehun hung up after Jungkook finished his sentence. He quickly rolled off his bed and take a shower. He was about to walk out the door when he remember Taehyung's stubborn rules. He thought out what he would say if Taehyung caught him and nod.

Jungkook opens the door and quietly tiptoe out his room. He see Taehyung on the couch cuddling with Hoseok. He take their distraction as a chance to get out fast.

"Where do you think you're going," Taehyung ask just as Jungkook reaches the door.

Jungkook groans. Its time to go with plan B. He walks over to Taehyung and put on his best fake smile. Stopping in front of the couple to get their full attention.

"I'm going to visit eomma-" he lies.

"No need to. She already visited us in the morning while you was asleep."

"But I didn't see her so I want to-"

Taehyung gets up and grab Jungkook by his shoulders and take him back to his room. He closes the door behind him and push Jungkook on the wall. To be more intimidating, he slam his arm right next to the younger's head.

"I'll ask again. Where are you going Jeon Jungkook?"

Jungkook huffs and roll his eyes. "I'm going to see my boyfriend down at a cafe."

"You have a boyfriend," Taehyung ask in disbelief.

"Yes I have a boyfriend. His name is Sehun and he's 4 years older than me. He's my first boyfriend and my first kiss so he's important to me. We're just going on a little date is all."

Taehyung nods and remove his hand from the wall. "Okay. Next time you go somewhere don't lie to me. And don't use the 'I'm going to eomma's house' lie. Everyone knows you don't call her eomma."

Jungkook nods and quickly run out the door. Taehyung walks out behind him back to Hoseok. Hoseok looked at his boyfriend with a smirk on his face.

"Want to go to a cafe," he ask.

Taehyung sighs. "You heard our conversation didn't you." Hoseok slowly nods with a smile creeping on his face. "Okay. I want to see who actually like this beast."

Hoseok got up and followed Taehyung to the door. He pouts. "You're so mean."

* * *

Jungkook runs to the cafe Sehun and him usually meet up at full of excitement. He walks inside and go to the counter with a lady behind it.

While he was trying to find out where Sehun was, Taehyung and Hoseok swiftly walk past him to a booth. They look up and see that Jungkook didn't see them.

"Oh Sehun," a man moaned behind Taehyung.

That name rings through his head. He doesn't turn around to see who said that, he just listens to their conversation.

"Luhan be quieter," a deep voice said.

The other man giggles. "How can I when you're sucking on my neck."

Both men chuckle. Taehyung starts to get mad hearing everything they're doing. He doesn't know why because he doesn't like Jungkook at all but he is getting pissed that someone is cheating on him.

"So... You wanna do it later on tonight?"

"That's it," Taehyung said aloud. He stands up and walk over to the booth behind him.

Sehun and Luhan look at Taehyung with a confused, disgusted look. Taehyung just sits in the seat across from them and look at them in silence.

"Umm... Who are-" Luhan spoke but stop when Taehyung starts to speak.

"I'm Kim Taehyung, Jeon Jungkook's step-brother," Taehyung introduce himself.

Sehun smiles and face Taehyung. "Oh so you're the one who locked Jungkook in his room?"

"Yep. And you're the one cheating on him."

"Well actually, I'm about to break up with him so I'm technically not cheating on him."

Taehyung nods. "Yeah sure you're not. And this must be your first break up because everyone knows that if you are dating someone and you decide that you don't like them anymore and are interested into someone else, you don't bring that other person with you to break up with the first person you was dating."

"Yeah so? I'm different."

Taehyung chuckles. "And what were you going to say to him?"

Sehun shrugs. "Hey Jungkook sorry to tell you this but I don't love you anymore. I love Luhan more and I think it's time to break up."

Taehyung shake his head and get up. "I can't believe you was Jungkook's first kiss. I'm leaving and taking Jungkook with me."

"I don't care. Bye and since you're his step-brother, tell him we're done."

"Oh I'll tell him the news don't worry," Taehyung said in an angry tone. He walk back over to Hoseok and grab his wrist. "Come on babe. We're done here."

They walk over to Jungkook who was still talking to the woman behind the counter. Taehyung grabs his arm and pull him out the cafe.

"What the heck Taehyung," Jungkook yells.

Taehyung shoves Jungkook in his car and drive off with Hoseok and Jungkook both struck with confused faces. The two can see the obvious anger Taehyung was holding in and decide that it would be a good idea to stay quiet. They drive home in silence not wanting to piss Taehyung off even further.

When they reach Taehyung's house, they quickly walk in and sit on the couch. Jungkook looks at Taehyung like he's crazy still not knowing why Taehyung is so mad.

"You must really hate me. Trying to stop me from going on a date with-" Jungkook tries to argue.

"He was going to break up with you," Taehyung interrupts him.

Jungkook looks amazed. "What?"

"He said... He said that he's breaking up with you. He's dating someone else right now."

Jungkook stands up, his face red full of anger and sorrow. "What did the other person look like." You can obviously see that he's on the verge of tears. He already has an idea of who he's dating but he wants to clarify it.

"His name is Luhan. He has blonde hair and-"

"I know who that is." Tears roll down his cheeks thinking of Sehun and Luhan together. "I know who that bastard is. He's always with Sehun. No wonder Sehun never wanted to go anywhere with me."

Hoseok frowns. "Awww. Poor baby, come here."

Hoseok tries to hug him but Jungkook walks away from him. "I want to be alone."

As Jungkook went into his room, Taehyung feels bad. If that was Jungkook's first boyfriend then this must be his first break up.

"We have to help him get over it," Taehyung said.

Hoseok nods. "You think this is his first break up?"

"Yeah definitely. He told me that Sehun was his first kiss."

"Yikes! First break ups hurt. You got a plan to get his mind over it?"

Taehyung smiles and bite his bottom lip. "Yeah it might not be a good one but it's a plan."


I say this with each one of my books but the kind of support I get with them are outstanding. Thanks ARMYs for the great support with this book. It means a lot. Sarangheyo and kamsahamnida.

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