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Taehyung slowly walk back into his quiet house after a long day at work. The manager closed the restaurant an hour late because of how busy it was today meaning everyone with the night shift had to stay late. He makes his way up to his bedroom ready to pass out on his bed.

Once he finally reached the door, he opens and see Jungkook fast asleep on the bed. He smiles seeing the sleeping child on his bed, and also glad that he wasn't waiting on him like Tae said to do earlier.

He crawls in the bed next to Jungkook and cuddle up next to him. He throws his arm around the younger trying to get comfortable and close his eyes. Soon enough, he was knocked out.

It was almost like his sleep was only a blink of an eye long before he woke up. He groans and see that Jungkook is no longer next to him.

"Dang it did I over sleep? I wanted to see Kookie one more time before he went to school," Taehyung mumbles to himself slowly waking back up.

"Well you got your chance now," Jungkook said.

Taehyung looks behind him shocked seeing Jungkook still in the bed but fully clothed. He feels relieved and happy that Jungkook is still here but also nervous and anxious.

"Jungkook why are you still here? Why aren't you at school," he ask.

"Maybe because I don't have school today. You never knew that I have the weekend off and Tuesday," Jungkook ask, his eyes glued to his phone.

"No because every time I go to school you always come with me. Even on Tuesdays."

"That's true I never really showed it. I would always come with you just to hang out with BamBam for the day since we have the same schedule then I go back to you."

Taehyung pouts and lay his head on the younger's lap. "You care about BamBam more than me?"

Jungkook laughs and turn his attention to Taehyung. "What happen to that dominant Tae that came out of nowhere yesterday?"

"He's gone now. He's no longer horny and craving for your dick so he ran away. When he's always gone I come out! Annyong I'm soft Tae," Taehyung said with his cute box smile.

Jungkook groans seeing the cute older smiling underneath him. Taehyung giggles and wrap his arms around Jungkook's neck. Jungkook smiles and lean down to kiss him. They share a sweet passionate kiss for a minute then break off.

"Where's Misook," Taehyung ask slowly getting up.

"Unlike me, she has school today so I had to drop her off. But that means we have a whole 8 hours to our self before she return and before you have to go to work," Jungkook said with a little smile.

"Really? Do you don't what that means," Tae says in his deep sexy voice while wiggling his eyebrows.

Jungkook smirks and means closer to the older. "I might have an idea of what you're thinking."

Taehyung chuckles and lift Jungkook's head up with with fingers. "It means... DATE TIME!!!"

Taehyung jumps out the bed and jump up and down. He grabs some casual but nice looking clothes that was in his closet then run into the bathroom. Jungkook sits up and look at the bathroom door in confusion for a little bit. After a while, he smiles and shake his head.

"Why am I so in love with this dork," he ask himself already knowing the answer.

*        *        *

"Ohhh Jungkook let's go over there," Taehyung said grabbing Jungkook's arm and pulling him inside a clothes store.

Jungkook chuckles and follow Taehyung inside. They look around the store for a while and grab some clothes they liked. When they walk to the back of the store, they somehow found themselves in a kinky area.

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