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"Oppa, oppa! Oppa wake up," Misook screams while violently shaking Jungkook trying to wake the older man lying unconscious on the floor. Tears from her eyes fall to the ground and onto her older brother as she herself started shaking from fear. She never seen someone pass out before let alone stop breathing. "What do I do?! What do I do?! I don't know that to do! Help!"

She thinks for a minute but not too long since Jungkook wasn't breathing. Then she realised, "A phone! I need a phone!"

She fumbles through Jungkook's pockets hoping to find a cell. After she checked every pocket she saw it was laying in his hands. She turns it on only to find out he had a password. "Stupid! This is so stupid," she yelled while throwing his phone across the room.

She then noticed that it might be her last resort to put on her jacket and run to Taehyung. "He said he was at the newby mall. I should hurry, Jungkook oppa please wait and don't die," Misook said shuffling to her feet as she ran to get her jacket.

When she got her jacket from the coat closet, she burst out the door leaving Jungkook on the floor. She sprints all the ran to the mall with tears flying out her eyes since she was running. Adults gave her really concerning looks as she pass them but don't bother to stop her. She passed by a couple of police officers but dodge their hands as they tried to reach out to her and stop her. She stopped for a moment to catch her breath and wipe the tears making her vision blurry. Once she stopped crying and her chest didn't feel like it was going to burst, she began running again. A joyous vibe went through her as she saw the mall in the distant. She decided since she was so close to go pass her sprint limit.

She run through the entrance of the mall and look around in a panic. She runs from one side of the mall to another. She was about to break down since she couldn't find them and thought they already left but still searched for them. Her chest felt really right and she slowed down not wanting to pass out herself.

She was about to take a break and sit at a bench not wanting to make it too long knowing the problems at hand. As soon as she sat down, she saw a familiar restaurant Jungkook took her to before. Even though she was out of breath and panting out her mouth, she still smiles on the inside remembering the memories. Looking through the window, her heart starts to race once again seeing Jimin's familiar face. Seeing his face only made the tears come back and her chest feeling clutch again as she runs in the store.

Making her way over to them, she couldn't help but break down. She jumps into Eunjae's arms and cry into her chest. Eunjae looks at her eyes widen wondering how she got here since Jungkook seemed to be no where around.

"Misook what are you doing here," Hosoek ask a bit worried seeing the child crying.

"J-J-Jung-J... He- I...," she tried to speak but her emotions kept her from doing so.

Eunjae pats her back and tried to comfort the child. "Calm down. Take deep breaths and relax before you say anything."

Misook nods and try her best to quickly relax enough to say what she wanted to say. "J-Jungkook. He came home and asked if he wanted to go to the mall and I said yeah so he said he we would go after a while so I was excited and jumping on my bed when I heard things fall and a loud thud so I went to check on him and he was in the floor and there was blood and I don't know if he's alive anymoreeeee," Misook quickly says crying again at the end visualizing Jungkook dead.

At that moment, everyone's hearts dropped and they was frozen. It took them only a few seconds to process everything she said before hurrying to rise from their seats and running out the restaurant. They exit the mall and run to their cars making sure Misook was with them before taking off. Taehyung was still frozen as they got in the car hoping Misook was joking and this was just payback for him being away from Jungkook for so long. This has to be a joke. Why wouldn't it be a joke? Hopefully it's a joke.

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